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After seeing gloom face shock and horrified  took place and on a second sona pass out .

Seeing this priya , Reva and Rati come forward to help her .

Reva : You said you love her and she also have feeling for you then why she got unconscious by see you

Rati : I don't know our brother face is that much bad that his wife got unconscious after seeing his face .

Priya's husband : I told you don't do this now see what happened

Sona's husband : I just want to a unique marriage how can I know she will unconscious .

Listening this  Priya look two of them shockingly and about to say something but before that her husband stanch the glass which is Rati's hand for sparking sona's face . he speaking on Priya's face all are looking at him weirdly .

Rati : what are you doing bro ?

Priya's husband :  don't be unconscious like your sister first let her gain conscious then we will explain .

Priya nods her head .

In this most of guest departure and only Reva's family are remain

After half an hour sona got her concious
And after opening her eyes she remember everything and started panic

Priya : sona come down I am here

Sona : di(sister) what is this ?

I am explaining it two of you after entering the room said Aajay with him Arjun also enter

Sona : What type of jock is this , why you two marries with us and what about Reva and Rati .

Without saying anything  Aajay take out a diary which was Priya's  Aajay got

Priya about to stanch it from him but he move his hand from her reach

Priya : please give it to me .

Aajay : why I do that by the way why you write it in  difficult language I have to translated by google .

Priya widening her eyes : you read it .

Aajay : of course we read it .

Priya : its nothing like that what you are thinking .

Aajay : Now don't started your lie . I understand your situation priya as I never understand about my feeling for you but what about you sister . you know my brother is totally into you sona  . if she told him we never let you to into past . when we come to know about history after your going back  you know how much I got scared and first time I realize my love for you and went back to take you from there .

Priya : Then you said you two are going to marry them .

Aajay : when I said that . I said our marriage shopping and of course we four pair are going to marry at same day . it was you who assuming the situation . And they are my cousin sisters .

Listening all the two sister are shocked .


Soon the story will be end .

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