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In morning a cook come and make breakfast for them set the table .

All are setting  for breakfast  after finishing breakfast Arjun started he thought whole night what he say to them make them understands .

Arjun : nervously Princesses we want to say something to you please listen them carefully and try to understand its very complicated  .

Priya :is everything ok is there any war coming .

Aajay :if there any war may be We didn't get this much nervous .

Arjun :No princess its not about war its about time .

Sona :Than what's problem .

Arjun : listen carefully , As you two said after running from royal palace you two went to a hut and come here  if you didn't lie and not mad than you two are timetravel .

Priya :we didn't tell lie or neither we are mad but what do mean time travel .

Aajay : when a person travel one time line to another timeline its called timetravel  you two come from our past
and are from your future its 21s century
The year 2020 .

Sona and priya :widening their eyes what are you saying you are joking right . fear are visible their eyes

Arjun : We are not joking you two also notice that you world and our world habit different because our time is world become development.

Priya and sona : Now how will go to our home what will do .

Arjun : The machine in you come here it from future so we can't sent you your time you have to adjust here . and we are always stand beside you why not  become friends will you two become our friends . ok we don't introduce ourselves I am Arjun and he is my elder brother Aajay .

And princess first you two have to adopt here life style  we called our cousin to help you

Two princess agree with them and went there room

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