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Next day

Like previous time all four are doing breakfast then they heard a calling bell  Arjun go for answer . When he open the door a girl jump on him and hug him with her one  other girl also present .

Arjun : sweetheart  are you planning to kill me before marriage .

Listening his talk everyone attention went towards them .

Arjun  :  Why you and  bhabi(brother's wife) this early ?

Why now we have to take permission to come here asked the elder girl .

Aajay : Arjun is just jocking Reva you and Rati did not need any permission to come here its your house also  come inside I will introduced with someone .
Meet priya and Sona our friends  we are told about them with you and they Reva and Rati  they are here for our wedding shopping  . We are going together get ready everyone .

Listening this priya and sona's  all colour of face gone but they compose themselves and go for ready .

After 1 hours they reach for shopping mall  .

Reva and Rati are very exciting for shopping  they are roaming all shops for selecting perfect wedding dress for them Aajay and Arjun also company them .

And sona and Priya also helping them for selecting them as they  try to happy .

After compting Reva and Rati's shopping .

Arjun  : Sona  , priya why you two didn't select anything . You two also select .

Sona :  we  donot need anything  .

Reva : why you didn't need you need the most you are also need look beautiful now lets go saying this they went for selecting dress for priya and sona

Arjun : Why not also select from bridal section as in your time you two always wear like bridal dress lets select from its from me .

Saying this they choice for sona and priya also .

After that they went for jewelry shop and selected for Reva and Rati  then Arjun and Aajay are also go for gloom shopping .

Wedding dress for Reva and rati

Wedding dress for Reva and rati

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After that they drop Reva and Rati home they went for their home

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After that they drop Reva and Rati home they went for their home .

They decide their wedding date after two week so They arranged everything very quickly .

Every one is happy for this wedding only priya and sona have emotionless face

They only participate for Aajay and Arjun happiness .

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