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In time machine/ Time travel

Why are you come here asked priya

Why I can't come here and why you two didn't tell anything to us .

What we didn't tell you this time asked sona .

Princess sonanjana  don't act innocent we know everything about you and your sister's secret

Which secret are you taking about asked sona

How many secret you two have . Arjun I think  I am going to mad  . First I think this is only secret. Now  they are taking others secret .In my marriage vow I think I should take secret open vow responsibility also .

Priya : Marriage 

Aajay look at priya  and said yes marriage .

Priya : with whom

Aajay : with my to be wife of course . why are you asking stupid question and Arjun also going to get marry .

Sona : oh .. Congratulations .

Ajay and Arjun : Thank you after reaching our time you two have many work as shopping , decoration etc .

Priya and sona  somehow control their tears and nodded .

Sona : how you come to know we are in danger .

Aajay : we are from future we come to know everything .

Sona in thought : come to know everything its only our love they didn't come to know .

Next day they reach the the present

Aajay and Arjun asked them to take rest for today and tomorrow they started their wedding shopping .

And all went to their respective room .

And other side . most heartbroken state is priya and sona as they have to see their own love to marry someone else

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