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In past ....

after reaching their era  Priya and sona go to near by village on their kingdom and they heard from villagers that they enemy took their kingdom and now they search the princesses as they run away from palace . The villagers didn't identify them as princess as they are in commoner dress and they never saw princess face . priya and sona said the villagers they come from distance kingdom and they are orphan so a kind family made them their guest .

But the new king come to know from his spy about the princesses location and next day he sent his army to catch them and took them to palace .

Next morning the news that the army come to village for searching princess spread to the villagers and all of them scared to this news .

Priya and Sona understand that they come to know about them . They didn't understand what they will do if they found them that either they will killed or the worse coming for them .

The king army search them every house and last the come to priya and sona's house they broke the door and enter the room but they found no one in the room .

All the army return back and in from to king he got furious and started breaking the thing which come in front of him .


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