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In dinner time .

Arjun called two of them for dinner  And they started to served them but the princesses stop them

What are you doing  you don't have to do it I am serving

Two brothers look at the weirdly as they are fully gone mad .

You two out guest so its our duty to serve you please sit we don't have problems said Arjun .

But it's women duty to serve men said princess innocently

Aajay :in mind) they are fully gone how we manage to mad women

Aajay :we don't mind  to do it you are not well so please eat and take rest . and started to serve .

They two kept quite as they didn't want to made them angry  so they listen to them .

meanwhile in dinner so where are you from what happened to tell us

Priya : we are from veergarh our kingdom got attack and in war our father died for saving our life we run away from place and took shatter a little hut but after sometimes the hut started moving in force then there are three other people but they were taking in some weird language just like the physician and the throw us from there but after that we don't remember anything .

Aajay :Are you two remembered what they talk .

Sona : we don't understand but( its like how they come here we can't take them she got to know about time machine  and told everybody about  our Secret . )

Aajay and Arjun look at eachother  and said them you two please take rest we talk with you tomorrow .

After dinner they all went there room

In Aajay room

Bro are you think the same what I am thinking they are time traveling.asked Arjun

Aajay : I don't know Arjun . lets check google is there really any kingdom like veergarh

Then they  come to know from internet that

Arjun :bro see this what they say are true because aftet were two princess were missing some say they are died some say they prison in new king jail nobody know what happened with them mean what we thinks are true they are princess.

Aajay : but the time machine is no here its come from future and its also not safe for them to gone back .

Arjun  tomorrow we have to told them everything .

Aajay agree with arjun and went for sleep .


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