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Next morning Aajay is checking that everything time machine that eberything is ready or not .  He make it Auto after after leaving priya and sona the machine come back on there time automatically .

Other side Arjun  Is taking farewell from them .

They become ready to their time dress . Arjun and Aajay instruction them about reaching time and get down  system .

Priya and Sona said them good bay .

Arjun and Aajay also said them good bay and take care .

Then priya and Sona get up to the time machine to go back their time .

Aajay  start the machine  by switch on the button which he operated from his time 

Next day in lab they get the signal that the time machine reach the time  .Aajay become happy to see its success but Arjun is happy for their success but become sad  that his love of life now far away from him but he hide his emotion from fake smile .

In past ..........

Priya and sona reach their time and they get down from time machine after that the machine go back  . they land in a place which is far away from king palace .

Then priya breakdown and started crying . sona give support her elder sister by hugging her .

Priya : why it's happened only with me
first time in my life I fall for someone . I never asked to give back same feeling  . Just want him to stay in front of my eyes but my this small wish also didn't got fulfill . why sona why

Sona : sister please come down  .we cannot do anything they are not write in our destiny .

Priya shockingly look at sona : why do you mean by they .

Sone come to know her mistake and try to change the topic but priya  don't let her .

Priya : sona tell me truth you also love Arjun .

Sona nodding her and burst out into priya's embrace .

Now they can't do anything  its their fate . now they have to leave with this sorrow .


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