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At 10 am sia Arjun and Aajay distance cousin come  She only know that priya and sona are Arjun friend sisters so she didn't asked much .

She take both of them with her for shopping  . The brother made them underwent that don't talk much which they already do .

Priya pov

When I first heard about timetravel I got shocked then I observed our surrounding and understand they are saying true . This world are total opposite to our . I don't know how I and my sister survive this time they told us something about this time and also told that nobody should know about us being another time we going market with their sister as our dress are different from this time .
They don't wear much jewelry .  Here girls wear simple dress in our time commoner also wear much jewelry than them .  They only wear on occasions .
So now we have to buy according them .
They are very humble towards us  we are always debt to them.

The two  sister now went for shopping they didn't wear jewelry the sari they were in simple way .

In shopping center sia made them buy some traditional dress , sari and  kurta etc and some light artificial jewelry  and some make up  and  shoes .

They returned home at 2 pm and the chief already made launch and made the table and went away .

After take the launch they went there room for rest .

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