Chapter 6

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* Anastasia * 

 I dropped to Nikolina's side , tears streaming down my face . 
" Nikki ! Nikolina ! " Elijah wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back .
" Come on , Anna . We have to get you out of here . " he whispered gently .

" NO ! " I cried , trying to fling myself out of his arms toward my baby .

I saw that her hand and Phillip's paw were touching . It was only when I was trying to fight Elijah that I felt something sticky on him . I looked down to see that he was holding his torso and it was covered in blood . He'd been bitten . I gasped as he shook his head . He was starting to get a little dizzy and I helped him sit down . 
" KLAUS ! ANYBODY ! HELP ME ! "  I cried in hysterics as I put a hand gently on Elijah . He sighed and put a hand on my cheek .
" I'll be fine . " he said .

I shook my head .

" Don't leave me . Don't you dare leave me too . " I whispered kissing him .

* Tatiana *

I heard Anastasia's voice ring out in terror . I looked up . The fighting at the field had ended . All in all , we lost Katherine , Stefan , and Caroline . Damon and Tyler are in critical condition . 
" Klaus ! Anastasia ! " said in worry .
I'd never heard my sister sound like that . He nodded and flashed through the woods with me at his side . We gasped when we saw Anastasia in a state of confusion and terror . She was shaking Nikolina madly with her hand in Elijah's .

" WAKE UP ! WAKE UP ! " she screamed .

" Anastasia . " I whispered , dropping to my sister's side . 

Klaus walked over and gave Elijah his blood to cure him from werewolf bites .. As soon as Eljah got his brother's blood , he blurred over to his wife , pulling her into his arms . 

" Shhh ..... " he said , as his eyes started to water . 
Anastasia screamed in grief and agony .

* Anastasia * 

I sat on my bed , just staring at the cieling . I couldn't believe this happened . It was my fault . I should've been there . I should've been there to protect her . If I was just faster , then I could've saved her . I hadn't left that spot since we got home  Flashbacks of my daughter played as a slideshow through my head . She couldn't be gone . Only yesterday , I'd tucked her into bed like she was a child again . 

* Tatiana *

We were all downstairs . Elijah was out somewhere and Anastasia hadn't moved in days .

" She hasn't come out of her room in days  . " Elena whispered . 

Elena had already dealt with the death of Stefan and she kept telling herself that he was in a better place . She was taking it better then most would because she knows he wouldn't want her to mourn . 

" She's lost so much . " Klaus replied .

Kol had burried Katherine the same day Elena had burried Stefan and the two had bonded over that . 

" I can't belive my brother is dead . " Alexandria replied hoarsly . 

* Anastasia * 

I got up silently and made my way into Nikki's room , just looking around . All of her school awards and her photos . I felt my knees buckle and I was on the floor again . I clutched my heart , feeling a whole in it that would never mend . 
" My baby . My Nikolina . " I whispered hoarsly . 

* Elijah * 

I walked through the door with a sigh and put Finn and Sage's bodies down . 

" Found them a further out . " I replied , looking down at my brother . 

Klaus put his head in his hands . 
" This gets better and better , doesn't it ? " he asked sarcastically .

I shook my head .
" How is she ? " I asked about my wife .
" Still hasn't left her room . " Tatiana informed me kindly .

I said nothing more as I blurred up to Nikolina's room to see Anastasia on the floor . A tear came to my eye as I sat down beside her , pulling her into my arms . 
" Oh my love . " I whispered sadly .

She said nothing , only cried silently .

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