Chapter 1~ Everything's Changed

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I got up and got dressed, I packed in my bookbag 2 pairs of extra clothes and some extra things needed for a sleep over. I wore a pastel yellow crop top with an under shirt, white high waisted shirt that reached mid thigh, socks that reached up to about my skirt only leaving about 5 inches of skin showing, some white converse, a vanilla colored cardagin and some accessories. After getting dressed I braided my hair to the side.

When I finished I grabbed my 2 shoulder bags and my bookbag. Also before leaving I stuffed another bag with food and drinks, including fruits and veggies. I quickly left after saying my good byes to my parents and left.

As I'm making my way to my friend, I run into a guy who seems really dirty (A/N: as in no shower for like 10 weeks or something) he smelled like alcohol also, I didn't want to get caught up so I quickly called a cab.

When I got to my friends house I knocked on the door but no one answer. I knocked a couple for times and still no answer. I turned the nob surprised it was unlocked. "G-guys?" I whispered, no answer. "AHHHH!!" I heard someone scream, I quickly follow the scream to my best friends room. "J-Jenny!?" I say as I see she's being tackled by a guy. I try and take my bags of but they were tangeled and I didn't have time.

I looked and grabbed something sharp and stabbed the man in the back, my hand still hasn't left the sharp object. He slowly turned around with a bad stench and roughting skin along with ripped clothes and his eyes were blood shot red mixed with a bit of brown. "RUN (Y/N)!!!" Jenny yelled at me. I stab the man in the head and he falls, dead. I look to see Jenny slowly turning into one of those things, "J-JENNY?!" I half way scream. I just watched as my best friend turned into one of those things.

She slowly approched me and I quickly stabbed her in the head, she fell down soul less. "I-I'm sorry Jenny" I whisper and quickly leave. When I leave I see them more of them, 'My parents' I think. I quickly run to my house. When I open the unlocked door its empty. "Of course it would be, the door was unlocked" I say to myself. I quickly lock the door and unpack my things.

I went around the house searching for useful things. I changed into some comfortable clothes which was a black lose tank top, tucked into some high-waisted shorts, socks a little above my ankle, a light jacket, and black converse. I packed bout 3-5 bags of needed and useful things.

As I was getting ready to leave I remembered weapons. I quickly went to look around my parents bedroom. Couple minutes of searching and *clink* found it. I quickly pulled out many sizes and designs of suitcases (or briefcases). I quickly opened all of them and grabbed as much ammo as I could. I stopped and thought 'belt' I quickly went into my mom and dads closet and found multiple belts I could use for stuffing guns and knifes.

I took them out and secured the belts on my waist. I quickly placed different guns and knives into the belt slots until they were full. I continued to grab as much ammo as I could and stuffed them into small bags sperating the different sizes and shapes.

If your wondering how I got these or how my parents even have these, well its cause my dad gets over protective and buys way to many guns and knives if there was a robbery. I know how to use them a bit because my dad would always take me to quick little lessons or classes so I would know what to do with them.

Back to what's happening now......

I quickly put my jacket on, along with my bookbags and a hat (A/N: kekeke jut wanna add a hat xp) which was a plain black beanie. I have a hand gun fully loaded and ready if anything came at me. Slowly I make my way out being as quiet as I can. When I exit I figured I would call them zombies. When I exit I see 3 or 4 zombies eating a corpse. I quietly put on a silencer on my gun and walk away slowly.

*groans and skin ripping* I turn the corner and see a zombie surrounding a dead corpse. When it turns I can see it clearly... My mom.... She slowly stood up and limped towards me. 'No! Its not your mom its a monster' I remimed myself. She came at me a I dodged. I looked at her body laying on the ground struggling to get up. "I'm sorry" I whisper before shooting her in the head. Blood splattered everywhere but not hitting me.

Tears threatened to come out but I held back and turned around the other corpse getting up. Quickly realizing that it was my dad, I shot it in the head. "Its for the better" I whisper and leave. As I'm walking I heard a couple voices, human voices. Once I'm on pavement, around 20 guys jump out and stare at me, checking me out. Then a guy comes out and I'm guessing is the leader of this huge group. He comes and doesn't think I'm armed, my gun hidded in my sleeve and my belts hidden under my jacket.

He walked closer towards me and I take steps back just to get away from him. Doesn't work. He immediately grabs my rist and holds it, I'm unable to move now but my feet are free at least. He then pins me to a tree close to us, his face getting closer as soon as my back hits the tree. 'Wait for it' I say to myself. '3' "well well well what kind of princess do we have here??" He says '2' he gets closer to my face lips about 5cm apart. He goes in '1'

I flick my rist and feel the knife come out from my sleeve, I run my hands down to loosen his grip and when i do, he gets cut. Tons of blood dripping down his arm now, I could tell they've done this to many people, and I hate it. Quickly I swing my knife in the correct place, slicing his neck...... more blood. *coughing and choking* he was swallowing his own blood at this point.

When he tries and grabs me again I swing, correctly again, and it cuts his rist and neck. He falls on the ground struggling to get up. Both his hands were cut and bleeding, and his neck was cut twice. I look at him until he lays there lifeless drowning in his own blood.

I look up and see the horrified faces of the other men. "Who's next?" I say with a smirk.


A/N: Taehyung hasn't came yet xp please wait he's coming soon! {Sorry }

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