Chapter 16

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Harry P.O.V.


She smiled at me.

"About time. You were stuck in a daze"

I nodded.

She grabbed my hand a pulled me to my feet. I looked around, and realized all eyes were on me. Someone from slytherin yelled. I recognized the voice as Millicent Bullstrode.

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!" Luna stepped in front of my protectively. Then Ginny. Then Ron, Hermione, Lupin, Bill, Kingsley...

Until the whole order was in front of me.

Then Filch ran in.

"Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!!"

McGonagall looked annoyed.

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot!"

He stopped, Mrs. Norris in his arms.

"Oh. Sorry mum." (Ahsakkakwn hahahahaha I'm sorry it was funny to me.)

"As it so happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most fortunate."

He looked at her, confused.

"If you would, I would like you to lead, Miss Bullstrode, and the rest of slytherin, from the hall."

"And where is it I'll be taking them?"

"The dungeons will do."

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Filch began to lead the Slytherins from the hall. Then I felt a presence behind me, so naturally, like an idiot, I turned around.


She hushed me. "Shhh. Listen. Draco's in the castle. We don't know where he went," she gestured behind her and I saw Blaise waiting for her at the door, "all we know, is he's trying to block every door and window he can so death eaters don't get it."

She looked at me, waiting for a reply. When I didn't answer, she went on. "You need to find him. He's gone mad thinking you're hurt. Please." Then she ran off to catch up with Blaise, and the followed the rest of the Slytherins out of the hall.

I turned to see if anyone was watching, and when I saw nobody was, I followed.


I ran from corridor to corridor, looking for Draco. I searched everywhere. My footsteps echoed through the halls. Every now and then I would notice a glimmer near a window or a door, and realized it was a spell. So I followed that to help me find him.

It felt like I was run for hours, when it was only a few minutes. My breaths became shallow and my pace slowed, until I was leaning against a pillar to catch my breath.

I needed to keep looking.

While running, I remembered my vision. Rowena Ravenclaw. The last Horcrux. Where? Bloody diadem needed to be destroyed.

"Harry! Harry Potter!!"

I spun around and saw Luna again.

"Um, not now Luna, I'm kind of busy." I went to turn back around, but she grabbed my wrist.

"You won't find him running around like this. Use the map."

I stood there in shock. "The map? How do you-"

"Ron and Hermione told me. But you need to use it." She pulled the folded parchment out of her pocket and handed it to me.

"Um.. thanks?" She nodded.

I watched as she walked away. But before she turned the corner, she said one last thing.

"Also Harry, about the diadem?"

I looked at her. "Luna, there's nobody alive who's seen it."

She smirked. "Exactly." Then she walked away. And it hit me. All thoughts if Draco washed away as I ran up to the abandoned corridor on the 3rd floor.

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