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3rd person P.O.V.

3 years later.

Harry woke up to sunshine flowing in through the open curtains. As he stood up and examined the room, he noticed a familiar tuft of blonde hair in the bathroom in front of the mirror.

He walked into the bathroom, placing his chin on Draco's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Morning sleepyhead" said Draco, attempting to comb his hair down while Harry kissed his neck.

"Mmm." Was the only response Harry gave. Draco laughed. "C'mon silly, you need to get ready. Hermione will kill us if we're late."

Harry looked up and groaned. "Ughhhhhh! Why can't we just stay here and lay in bed all day?? It's sunday!" Draco laughed again as Harry walked away and flopped onto the bed, acting like an angry Toddler.

"Well Hermione wanted a Sunday Wedding, and that's what she's getting. Angry Hermione is too scary to put up with." Draco said as he finally managed to flatten out his hair.

Draco walked over to Harry's closet and pulled out a suit. He handed it to Harry, and pointed towards the bathroom. "Go on, you need to Shower. I've had this suit picked out for you, so you better wear it."

Harry arched a brow. "And what if I don't?" Draco made a pounty face, turning on his heel and walking towards the door. "Then my feelings will be deeply hurt." Harry laughed and grabbed the suit, walking towards the bathroom.


"Harry! Draco!" They spun around and saw Ron nervously waving. They walked over to him, and Harry gave Ron a big hug. "What took you so long?" Ron asked. "Someone decided that sleep is more important." Draco said, going over to the snack table and grabbing a glass of Champagne. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm glad you made it. Almost everyone is here and Pansy says Hermione's almost ready. Oh god I'm so nervous. How do I look? Probably like an idiot with all my fumbling.. What if-"

Harry laughed. "Ron! Calm down mate! You're fine. Come on, don't look so worried, it's your big day! I'm sure you'll do just fine." Ron nodded. "Right.. yea.." his face the turned very stern.

"Harry, if you say a word of that speech you made up yesterday, I will personally murder you." Draco chuckled. "Unless Hermione kills him first." They all laughed, but it was cut short as the last guests arrived and the music began to play softly, getting louder as the seconds passed.

Draco grabbed Harry's arm and they walked away. Harry gave Ron a thumbs up as they walked towards their seats.

As the music began to play louder, and the guests began to take their seats, Draco looked at Harry. "I can't believe we're actually together. Who would've thought?"

Harry snorted. "Everyone." Draco slapped his arm. "Let's not talk about us now though," Harry whispered, "Hermiones coming." They looked over their shoulders as Hermione walked down the aisle at her fathers arm. Harry saw Ron's eyes glimmer with tears. He count blame him, she looked breathtaking.

Draco laughed. "Yep, Pansy definitely did the hair." Harry looked at him. "Oh? And why do you say that?" "Because who else can make hair look that good in under 20 minutes?" They shared a silent giggle as Hermione walked up into the platform, her father leaving to sit down.

It was a beautiful sight.


"Well, congratulations Ron! You're officially married!!"

Dean pat him on the back and George ruffled his hair. He didn't have the same look about him. After losing Fred, he seemed to act more mature, and didn't make as many jokes.

Poor him.

Ron looked over at Hermione, who was talking with Pansy, and seemed to almost cry. He definitely loved her.

Harry turned to look at Draco and realized, that he held that same love for Him. Looking at him, watching him dance with Mrs. Weasley, seeing him hug and congratulate Hermione, made him realize just how lucky he was to have Draco in his life.

And he never wanted to let him go.

Well that settles it. Petals has officially come to a close. I hope you enjoyed my shitty fanfic that I actually put some effort into. Thank you all for reading and I really hope you liked it.


The end?


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