The Un-dead

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"I'm ready to die"

"Harry potter.."

"The boy who lived."

"Come to die..."

"The boy! Is he dead?!"

"Draco.. is he alive?"


"Harry Potter I dead!"

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone!"


Stupid boy.

But brave.

Just like his father.

If only he could see...

How much we love him



It's time to go.

But he's out Son James. I can't.

We have to.



Would you like to say goodbye?

Of course.

I'll leave you be.

No, he's your son as well. Come.

As you wish.

*step, step, step, step, step*

You were so brave darling..



Are you okay..?

Y-yes.. I just.. god I wish I could see him again...

Maybe you can.


Contrary to popular belief, it's not impossible to go back.

You're saying.. we can see our son again?

Oh sweet merlin..

You can.


I want to go as well


Who else?

What about Sirius?

He's already there

But how..?

Why are you smiling like that?

Magic can do many wonders Lily. As you've seen yourself. Let's have a look, shall we?





Go away



"It's not Ron."

Blurred vision.

"W-who are you? Am I looking in a mirror? Oh god I'm going insane! I'm talking to ky reflection!!"

"You're not going crazy honey.."


A womans voice is sounded sweet. Red hair.


"No darling."

I felt someone hand me my glasses.

"Oh merlin.."

A woman with red hair and man who looked like an almost exact replica of me sat in front of me.

"Mom..? Dad..?"

"That's right son."

"Where am I?"

"At the moment? Probably hell."


"Oh all right. You're in a place called Morning Rays. It's a place between the living and the dead. Albus sent you here just before you woke up. He wanted us to see you one last time."


"Sweetie, we love you."

"Mom I-"

"Just know, we'll always be with you Son, right here."

He pointed at my heart. But this time I actually felt it.

"You're.. real!"

My mother smiled.

"Only temporarily. We love you sweetie. Now, go back out there. The world needs you."

I felt tears form.

I stepped foward and hugged my parents, knowing this would be my only chance ever.

"I love you guys. I wish you were here."

I heard my dads voice.

"I do too son."

Then my mothers.

"We're so proud sweetie."


"Goodbye. We love you.."

And now it's time to wake up.

And save the world.

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