Chapter 1: "Again?"

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A/N: Hello everyone!

Hope you enjoy it! (Sadly I am not C. S. Lewis, all rights to this genius man)

Chapter 1: "Again?"

It was a cold and raining, typical autumnal day in Finchley. In a comfortable couch sat a young man with many books around him, a soft light illuminated his handsome face, and blond locks fell over his blue eyes.

His name was Peter Pevensie, also known as High King Peter the Magnificent, but that was a long time ago, when he and his siblings, Susan, Lucy and Edmund, had found themselves in a completely different world, called Narnia, where they ruled for f...

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His name was Peter Pevensie, also known as High King Peter the Magnificent, but that was a long time ago, when he and his siblings, Susan, Lucy and Edmund, had found themselves in a completely different world, called Narnia, where they ruled for fifteen years as monarchs. They had entered Narnia through a wardrobe in an old house of a certain Professor Kirke, when they spent some months there in the war time.

Now Peter was sitting in the studio at their parents house, the family had gathered for a family weekend after the news that his sister Susan was dating a guy called Robert, apparently it was a very serious relationship. He decided to take the opportunity to look in the library some books he was sure would come in hand for his research.

As he was picking up a book to look further into the cover of it suddenly the door of the room opened and a tall, dark haired young man came in talking loudly followed by a young woman, a little shorter with chestnut curls bouncing on her back. King Edmund The Just and Queen Lucy The Valiant.

They were talking animatedly and plopped down on the couch besides him dropping in the process some books to the floor. Peter sighed and put down the book on his hand, realising that he wouldn't get much done with those two in the same room.

"Fancy a chess game?" asked Edmund to Peter.

"I'll win this time" answer Peter with a determined look on his face.

"Yes sure, maybe someday, don't lose hope" retorted Edmund with a wink earning a pillow to his face.

Lucy laughed as a tall and gracious young woman enter the room rolling her eyes at the display in front of her. Susan The Gentle, sat on an armchair across from her siblings.

Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie were out picking some groceries so they spent the next hour in comfortable silence.. The two brothers decided to take the chess game to the floor in front of the fireplace, while Lucy sprawled on the couch looking out the window and occasionally throwing some witty remarks and snickering at the boys. Susan sat silently on the armchair reading a magazine shaking her head and trying to hide the smile that tugged at her lips when her elder brother threw a fit each and every time Edmund won the game.

These four people sitting in the room were no longer the children that had come into Narnia all those years ago, neither they were the grown ups that stood on the woods of Narnia after fifteen long years of reign. They were in the middle now. Strange thing time. They had grown up as monarchs in Narnia, they ruled for many years, they were adults, yet as they came out of the wardrobe they were children again, and not a minute had passed in this world. It was hard, being children again, and be treated like it, beginning again, it was really hard. They all had an old spirit.

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