➳ six

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When I arrive at the crime scene, Morgan is waiting for me. There's a coffee take-out cup in his hands, and his face looks puzzled. I walk over to him and shove my hands deep into the pockets of my blazer. The events from earlier today replay over and over in my head. Ashton is truly affected by all this. I wonder how all the other boys are taking everything.

"Hey, Hart," Morgan says with a yawn. I wave and stand next to him.

"So, this is the victim?" I ask looking down at the body being photographed by the crime scene investigators. The sound of the flash going off and the bright light makes my head spin.

Morgan nods and takes a sip of his drink. "Yeah. We found her a few hours ago. Hotch didn't want anyone touching anything until we got here."

I nod. "Is the M.O. still the same?" I ask squatting down to ground level to get a better look at the body. It looks about the same, but sometimes, Morgan is better at spotting differences than me.

"Yes," he says quietly. "Still strangled to death, and the band logo is on the inside of the wrist, as usual."

I slip on some rubber gloves and turn over the wrist. There it is; the band logo for the band that has completely consumed my mind. I stand up and remove the gloves brushing my hands lightly on my pants. I sigh. "Hotch said there was a note that I need to see for myself? It wasn't delivered to the boys, I don't think."

"Yeah, it's not pretty. I have a picture on my phone." Morgan asks me to hold his coffee while he pulls out his phone from his pocket. I hold the warm drink in my hands. It keeps me warm. We're in L.A., but there is a slight chill.

I hand the cup back to Morgan and he exchanges it for his phone. I look at the screen and bite my lip. The message reads:

Dear beloved FBI agents,

I hear you're looking for me? Funny, I didn't know people like you had time to waste on these imbecile 5 Seconds of Summer boys. Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep it entertaining for you. There's another girl dead. She's under the bridge you drive over to get to the station. No need in disclosing the information, this time. The little slut sent strippers to the boys. Doesn't she know they're classier than that?

As for the boys, don't expect me to go easy on them. I'm watching you; I've got eyes everywhere. I may even be closer than you think. Please let Agent Hannah Hart know I am taking an interest in her, the most. Ashton isn't one to mess with. He doesn't exactly have the most stable past. You might want to see what he's really about before you get cozy with those I want the most. After all, you know what I do to those who get in my way.

I swallow and look up at Morgan. He doesn't look impressed. My face is completely flushed. The unsub probably saw Ashton kiss my cheek last night. How could they have seen that, though. My mind races.

"You okay, Hart?" Morgan asks with a chuckle.

I furrow my brow and look back down at the screen. "Uh, why does the unsub call the band imbeciles and then gets really possessive of them?"

He shrugs. "Reid thinks it's because he or she is really possessive of the band. The unsub thinks only they can make fun of and love the boys at the same time." I nod and bite the inside of my cheek. "Also," Morgan continues. "Hotch doesn't want you at the house anymore. He thinks it's a threat to both you and the boys especially after this."

Morgan takes his phone back from my grasp. I drop my arms. I've completely ruined this case for myself. "Oh," I say quietly. "Nothing is happening or has happened with me and Ashton," I say quickly recovering. "Please tell me you and Hotch know that."

Moran laughs and pats me on the back. "I understand that, and so does Hotch. It's just precaution. We want to decrease the amount of possible casualties, and this seems to be the only way. And just when you were starting to like the boys."

"I'm just embarrassed."

"Don't be! This is exactly what the unsub is trying to do: knock you off your game. Just because you stayed with the guys last night doesn't mean anything. You're one of the best in the business, and we all trust you wouldn't get involved with the victims." Morgan smiles at me, and I begin to feel reassured.

"Thanks, Morgan. Any progress back at the station? I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Reid before I left." We begin walking around the crime scene. My mind races with possible answers to this unsub's message. They're watching us, me in particular, but how did they know about anything that happened inside the house . . .

My thoughts are interrupted at the sound of Morgan's voice. "Sadly, not much. We're still trying to figure out whether the unsub is a boy or a girl." He sighs and we stop near a stream of water. Morgan shuffles his feet. "The strangulation screams male but the way the letters are written scream female."

"Maybe the unsub is struggling to find themselves and blame the boys for their incompetence?"

"Could be. That's why we need you at the station to help the rest of the team. I'm interviewing family members with JJ later today, so you won't be seeing much of me." He smiles and we begin walking towards the cars again.

I follow Morgan's footsteps and look down. "I hope we catch this person soon. Four deaths of innocent people and four guys who have no clue what they did. I hate these kinds of cases. They never end well."

Morgan opens the car door for me and gives me another small smile. He closes the door after I get in and walks to the driver's side. Before he turns on the car, he looks at me. "Hannah." I know it's serious when he calls me by my first name.


He bites his lip. "You might want to get that thinking out of your head when you're in front of Hotch. He's good at his job, and he can profile you in an instant."

I furrow my brow. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you're acting like you may actually like this Ashton kid, which is not a good idea. From one co-worker to another, knock it off." Morgan looks straight ahead, turns on the ignition, and drives to the station.

I feel my face flush and I turn to look out the window. I don't like Ashton, I can't like Ashton. I furrow my brow. I hate Ashton. I'm here for a job. I won't let this get the best of me, and if Morgan notices it, God knows Reid's noticed it too.

One thing is for certain: I will not let Curly mess up my chances at this job.

- - -

what is this

next chapter is prolly gonna be in ashton's pov just so i can lengthen the story

i should be studying for midterms . . . . . . . . . . but nah.

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