➳ epilogue part three

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A S H T O N 


After many, many hours later, Hannah finally gives birth to our son. There were a few complications, which scared the crap out of me. For starters, the baby was turned around so he came out legs first, and she spent a gruelling extra two hours in labor because of this. I'm so proud of her for pulling through, though.

We decide to name him Brayden. There's no significance in the name, but both Hannah and I really like it, so his name is Brayden. We also find out Brayden will suffer severe frontal lobe damage due to the lack of oxygen he received at birth. This scares Hannah because she deals with people every day who have these issues. She doesn't want our son to grow up making horrible, horrible decisions, but all I can tell her is that won't happen. It's hard to hide my frustration and nervousness, too, but I have to keep her calm.

Caroline, on the other hand, is very excited to have a new sibling. She bounces off the walls and wants to hold Brayden so badly. Hannah and I haven't even gotten a chance to hold the baby yet because of the many tests he has to go through, but we promise Caroline she will get a chance just like the rest of us. My mom is here to keep her calm and quiet her down when she doesn't get her way.

After many tests later, the doctors bring Brayden to us confirming that his frontol lobe is damaged and he will have to be on medication for the rest of his life to prevent psychosis from occuring. He also recommends we go to therapy to talk about our feelings. To this, Hannah laughs. She deals with this every week and doesn't feel the need for someone stranger to tell her how to feel. She loves her son unconditionally no matter what mental state he's in.

While Caroline is sleeping on the chair next to me and Brayden asleep in Hannah's arm, Hannah turns her head to me. "Ashton, I'm scared," she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I bite my lip and walk over to her brushing the tears from her cheeks with my thumb. "Shh, baby, it's okay. Everything will be okay."

She shakes her head. "What if he turns out to be like all the others? What if our son turns out to be a serial-"

I cut her off. "Hannah, he will not turn out to be like the monsters you deal with. You and I both know those people are the way they are because of the ways they were raised."

Hannah doesn't say anything more. She just nods and closes her eyes. I take the opportunity to return to my seat and close my own eyes. The past day has been so overwhelming for the both of us. As much as I try and make Hannah stay positive, I can't help but think about the negatives, myself. I really hope and pray  Brayden doesn't turn into a monster.

- - -

Ten Years Later 

"Caroline, where is your brother?" I ask rubbing my eyes. Brayden was supposed to take his medicine two hours ago, but due to school and homework and me getting lost raising a teenager, I forgot to remind him, which isn't exactly the best idea, so Hannah will not know about this.

Caroline looks up from her phone and tucks a strand of her black hair behind her ear. She recently dyed it so dark, and I'm honestly not a fan. "I don't know, dad, I'm not the boss of him."

It takes everything in me not to snap at her. Ever since Brayden was born, it's been all about him and making sure he doesn't spiral. He's constantly angry, and always hits and hurts Caroline. She has scars running up her legs from times where he's bit, punched, kicked, pinched, and scratched her. So, her response and tone is actually understandable. Although, it doesn't help.

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