➳ ten

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When I wake up, Ashton hovers over me frantically. His dark blonde curls are stuck to his face by sweat. His eyes run from feature to feature on my face. If it wasn't for the pounding ache in the back of my neck and the blood dripping from his arm, I wouldn't be too upset with his position.

At this thought, I spring up, which isn't exactly the best idea considering the circumstances, but I manage. I take a look at my surroundings and bite my lip. "Where are we?" I croak. I know it's a room in the house, I'm not that disoriented, but something feels off. Why are Ashton and I the only ones in this room.

Ashton leans back. "We're in my room. Second floor. Dana is downstairs with the rest of the lads and your agent friend. Nice of you guys to finally show up."

I ignore is sarcastic tone and get my barrings. My vision becomes clearer by the minute, and I try and stand up. Ashton tries to help me, but he looks pale and weak. I promise myself I'll help him once I find us a safe way out.

I immediately go for the door, which, to no surprise, is locked. I don't understand what's happening. Hotch and the rest of the team plus twenty SWAT members are standing outside. How long have I been out, and why haven't they raided the building, already? I have my earpiece on, and everything. Then it hits me.

I never turned the earpiece on. 

I physically face-palm myself for my stupidity. They're probably mocking me as we speak. I might even loose my job for doing something so stupid. Risking my own life and the lives of five others. Why does this case have to screw me over. Why couldn't it have been one where my stupidity wasn't over some guy. Was this even for Ashton, anymore?

"Uh, while you're deep in thought, my arm is starting to go numb," Ashton speaks up interrupting my obvious stream of thoughts. "You're supposed to be a genius, so, uh, fix me?"

I walk over to him and kneel down. His breaths are shallow and I can basically see his pulse slowing as I watch him. "Shit, Ashton," I say taking off my blazer. At this, he smirks.

"Hey, keep this PG. She's probably watching." His attempt at a laugh is shallow, and he coughs a little. I apply pressure to his arm where the wound is, and he winces.

"Sorry," I mutter under my breath. "You've lost so much blood." My voice trails off and cracks at the end. I'm scared not only for my life but for his. If he doesn't get help soon, he'll surely die, and it'll be on me. Everything will be on me.

Panic sets in, and I push harder. "Ow, Hannah!" He yelps. "I know you're trying to help, but that's also a bullet wound. It frickin' hurts!"

I release some of the pressure. "Sorry."

"Stop saying sorry," Ashton says. His hazel eyes meet my blue ones. For a second, I feel calm, but fear takes its course again.

"How did this happen?" I ask sitting myself against the wall next to him.

Ashton sighs and shakes his head. "It was my fault. I have a particularly bad habit of calling people's bluffs even when they aren't bluffing." A thousand sequences play through my head of what could've happen, but I purse my lips and wait for Ashton to explain.

"I, uh," he laughs looking down. "So, Dana was threatening to shoot Luke. Now, I don't know if you've noticed, but Luke's, like, my best friend, and I'm very protective over him. So, naturally, I called her bluff. She put up the gun, and my instincts took over, so I jumped in front of him and took a nice bullet to the arm. Almost hit me in the shoulder, but I think I jumped funny, so that's how it ended up there." He gives me a smile that makes me want to smack him. How could he be so calm in such a dire situation? He jumped in front of a gun to save someone's life, basically risking his own, and he's laughing about it?

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