➳ epilogue part one

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A S H T O N 

My five year old daughter, Caroline, squeals and squirms in my arms trying to get loose from my grip, but I hold her tight to my chest. Hannah is out on another case. She gets vacation time plus maternity leave, when she returns, which means we're all taking a family vacation to Australia for two months. I can't wait, and neither can Hannah.

After the case that changed both our lives, Hannah and I formed a close relationships. I went on touring with the boys while she remained in D.C. fighting bad guys all across the country. Every time one of us had a spare minute, we would video chat or find time to meet up if we were within two hours from each other. Somehow, we made it work.

Two years into our relationship, I asked Hannah to marry me. She came to one of our shows, after much help and convincing from Agent Morgan, and I proposed after the concert. She was shocked, needless to say, but she agreed. We got married in February of the next year. Five years after that, we have a beautiful daughter and a son on the way. I love my daughter, but I have to admit, I can't wait to have another boy running around the house.

I didn't give up on the band to raise a family; we all kind of just stopped. 5 Seconds of Summer will always be a huge part of me, but now I'm twenty-seven and ready to settle down. The tours were a huge success, and the experiences will always be something I'll never forget. This doesn't stop Hannah, though. She loves her job, and is being considered for a very high ranking position on her team when she returns from maternity leave. I couldn't be more proud of her. She's done so many things for this job, and she's only thirty-one.

"Daddy, I miss mommy," Caroline says cuddling into my chest. I hear her soft breathes slow and her eyes flutter shut. She looks so much like Hannah, but she has my eyes.

"I know, sweetheart," I say stroking her light blonde hair. "You know she misses you, too, but she's almost done her job for a little while. She's on the plane to come home, as we speak."

Caroline's bright green eyes flicker open at my statement. She laughs and hugs my neck. "Yay, yay, yay!" She yells.

I laugh and pull her off of me. She may be small, but when she gets excited, she can choke real well. "I know you're excited, sweetheart, but it's getting close to your bed time."

Caroline frowns, and her eyes begin to water. "No! Daddy, please let me wait for mommy. Please!" She says holding out the final please. I smirk and kiss her forehead causing her to burst into a giggle fit. I love how easily kids get excited and forget why they're upset.

"Okay, Caroline, but we can't horse around. We have to relax. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Frozen!" She yells. I bite my lip and let out another laugh. She's obsessed with Frozen, and we watch it every day. I'm not kidding: we watched it this afternoon after her last day of kindergarten.

I stand up to put the DVD into the player and sit back on the couch. Caroline instantly cuddles into my side and plays with the hem of my Nirvana shirt. When the movie starts playing, Caroline gets really excited and starts singing along to every song. I know I shouldn't have allowed her to watch Frozen because she would get so excited, but it's so damn cute.

"I think it's crazy how we finish each other's-" she starts.

"Sandwiches!" I finish.

"DADDY, THAT'S WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY!" She laughs clinging onto my neck. I give her soft kisses along her neck, cheek, and forehead. She goes into a hard giggle fit claiming my facial hair tickles her. I smirk and bring my hands to her stomach squeezing lightly so she squirms from my touch.

"No! Daddy, that tickles!" Caroline squeals laughing in between words. "Stop!"

"What are you two doing?" I hear a familiar voice say from across the room. I stop what I'm doing and look up seeing my beautiful wife standing before me. Just as I'm about to say something in response, Caroline beats me to it.

"Mommy!" She screams using her little legs to run towards her mother. Hannah smiles and greets our daughter with open arms picking her up and spinning her around.

"Caroline! I missed you so much, sweetheart!" She gives Caroline kisses all across her face. Caroline giggles and pushes her mother's face off of her.

"Mommy, stop it! We're watching Frozen! Do you wanna watch with me and Daddy?" Caroline doesn't give her mother a chance to answer. Instead, she sprints to the couch to greet me again and tunes back into the movie.

I smile and stand up to greet Hannah who I haven't seen in a week in a half. She kisses my lips softly and weaves her arms behind my neck lacing her fingers between my hair. "I've missed you, Ash," she says leaning her forehead against mine.

Our bodies aren't completely closed together due to the fact her protruding stomach prevents me from being close to her, but I make with what I have. I give her a soft kiss on the forehead and nod against the skin. "I've missed you so, so much, Han."

There it is, the nickname she hates so much but I love using. The nickname that originally made her blow up on me and tell me I'm unprofessional. Now, she loves it, and every time I use it, she laughs thinking about the day we first met. I was such a dïck to her, but she put up with it. God, I love her so much.

Hannah pulls away and takes my hand leading me to the couch to meet out daughter. Caroline sits between us and rests her small head on Hannah's side. I miss her touch, but I know Caroline has been anxious to see Hannah ever since she left. I'm hoping this vacation will bring us all closer together.

"Mommy, did you fight the bad guys?" Caroline asks about fifteen minutes later.

Hannah looks down and kisses the top of her daughter's head. "Yes, sweetheart. We helped save a lot of people, too. You know it's not all about fighting the bad guys."

Caroline waves her hand still looking at the television. "I know, I know. I just like to tell the kids in my school my mommy is a superhero."

Hannah gives a laugh and they resume watching the movie. I do so as well. This is what I've wanted my whole life: a beautiful wife, adorable children, and happiness. I couldn't imagine anything less, and I especially couldn't imagine doing this with anyone but Hannah.

Tomorrow we leave for Australia, and I couldn't be more excited to spend two months with my family and show them my roots. It will be both their first times in Australia, and I know the guys are waiting to see them, too. Finally, things are falling into place for me. I couldn't be happier.

- - -

k so epilogue will be split up into 3 parts all from ashton's pov 1. before australia, 2. in australia, and 3. birth of baby boy


i love this story its a problem. my gOD

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