➳ seven

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This Reid guy is really starting to get on my nerves.

He doesn't let us do anything fun like Hannah did, and he's always on our backs all the time. Like, just fifteen minutes ago, Michael made some toast and Vegemite, but Dr. Know-It-All Reid basically sprinted down the stairs because he "thought he smelled smoke." Where is Hannah, and when is she coming back?

Lucky for us, our manager eventually comes and Reid allows us to work in the studio. However, we aren't completely free because Reid is standing at the doorway the whole time. Doesn't he have an actual job to do? I'm getting so pissed off at him, his whole body shape and style is beginning to annoy me. I don't consider myself an extremely judgmental person. Some how, Dr. Reid changes that.

"Ash, we need you for vocals," I hear Luke call. I turn on my heel and walk into the booth. Luke follows me and leans against the door.

"You okay, mate?" He asks raising a brow at me. I can always count on Luke to tell me what's up.

I shrug and sling the headphones around the back of my neck. "Just on edge is all. Another fan died this morning because of the whole stripper situation."

Luke nods and bites his lip. "I heard about that. Terrible, really. I just hope they catch this person sooner rather than later. Although, that's probably easier said than done."

I laugh. "Yeah. Hannah told me this morning they're going to deliver the profile soon. I looked it up after she left, and it's, like, some thing the agents do to give the police and public tips on what to look out for to make the search for the unsub easier."

Luke walks towards me and runs his fingers along the microphones. "Hannah?"

"Yeah, dude, that's her name." I say with a laugh in my voice. I'm not sure what he's trying to get at here.

Luke furrows his brow. "Ash, she's a federal agent, and she's here on a job."

"I know. So?"

"So, you shouldn't be playing games."

I furrow my brow, now. "Luke, what do you mean? I'm not playing games."

"Ash, you're a flirt. You can't be flirting with federal agents. It's unprofessional. I saw you kiss her on the cheek last night."

I feel my face flush. Everything he's saying is right, but I don't want to hear it. This isn't like me. I may be a flirt like Luke says, but flirting with people in high power isn't my thing. Maybe it's Hannah's age, or maybe it's just me being an idiot.

"You're right," I say under my breath, but Luke hears me and nods.

"Good," he says patting me on the shoulder. "Now, sing well. Adam wants this album done by next week. Knowing this band, though, it's never gonna get done." He turns his back to me, but I hear him mutter a, "I hate this band" before leaving the room.

- - -

It's about five o'clock when Reid tells me and the lads that Hannah, or, uh, Agent Hart, will be on the T.V. with the profile. We got the go-ahead from Reid's leader, Agent Hotchner, to order pizza, so we did that before gathering around the television.

I sit on the couch next to Luke, and Reid sits next to him. Calum and Michael gather on the floor shoving popcorn down their throats. Occasionally, Luke leans down to grab a handful, but Michael swats Luke's hands away. I laugh in response.

Finally, the news switches to the L.A. police station, and Hannah is there with the rest of her team. I smile when I see her soft features on the face, but the smile quickly fades when I feel Luke's eyes burning into my cheeks. I clear my throat as she begins to deliver the profile.

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