➳ character ask???

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hello friends so this isn't an update (although im writing one rn so yay) but i was wondering would you guys be up for a character ask? i've seen them in a lot of stories and they're so funny and i love them so i was wondering because this story is kinda popular (at least for me it is LMAO) i would do one?

the characters to ask questions to would be:

- hannah

- ashton

- reid

- morgan

- hotch

- & luke, calum, and michael as a group (bc theyre kinda just there but i dont wanna leave them out)

- oh and maybe the rest of the team?????

idk if this will even go over well lmao but if you wanna ask some questions leave them in the comments or message me them and if i get enough ill make an answer post!

thank you all for the support! im crying it's almost at 500 reids (see what i did there) and i honestly thought no one would read it when i came up with the idea but here we are ten chapters later :)

seriously so happy so thank you all for everything!! i love you all so much and please leave some questions!

if you do ashton will find you and give you a cuddle c: (or i will to nbd c;)

- lauren xx

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