➳ character ask answers

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H A N N A H 

Why don't you just realize you like Ashton? It won't do any harm if you team finds out. 

I do like Ashton, okay, but I don't know if it's smart. I'm used to getting hurt, and I feel like if I start something with someone who's constantly busy (like myself) then it'll end badly.

What made you wanna do your job? 

I don't know, to be honest. I never imagined myself in law enforcement because, well, look at me. But my intelligence capabilities caught someone's attention, and they asked me to be on the team. When I found out, I thought it would be an awesome challenge so I said yes!

Do you like Ashton? 

Why do people keep asking me this question. Sorta, uhhh.

A S H T O N 

Does your cheekiness come naturally to you when you're around Hannah? This is a must answer, sir. 

Wow, I like the demand, it's turning me on ;) and, I guess so? She's so stubborn, it just annoys me. I mainly do it to get a rise out of her, but, I dunno, I've started to think it's cute the way she responds.

Do you like Hannah? 

Honestly? Yeah. Realistically? I have no chance.

You were pretty eager with that kiss with Hannah. 

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to survive.

L U K E, M I C H A E L, & C A L U M 

To Michael: ahem, I'm just wondering if I could be your short Mexian unofficial bae? Js. 

FUCK YES. Can you make me tacos 24/7? ... Is that racist? Shit.

To Luke: Can you love me? 

I'd have to ask my mum ... so expect a no ... :-(

To Calum: Where even are you in this story? 

Up your butt and around the corner ooOOOHHH!

R E I D 

Why are you on the cast list as potato? 

I wish I could give you a logical response, but I honestly don't know.

Do you know Hannah has a crush on you? 

Thanks for the heads up, but I've had my assumptions. I don't mind it, though. I just don't know what to do because I'm quite awkward, if you haven't already noticed.

H O T C H 

What is your opinion of Hannah and Ashton. 

Well, Hart keeps telling me nothing is going on, but I don't believe her. As for getting involved with the victims, I don't think it's very smart of her considering the whole team knows she's liked Reid for the longest time. I don't approve.

Why are you always frowning? 

I'm just a miserable person.

M O R G A N 

Do you want to date Hannah? You two seem quite close. 

Me and Hart? Yeah, no thank you. She's one of my best friends, but definietely not girlfriend material.

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