Drunk Cowboys

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Awaking from his blackout Kal shakes those horrible thoughts from his mind. Master Yori never taught him how to control his visions, he had never even heard of them before. He had to go somewhere away from here, the Sith had taken everything away from him, even his girlfriend. He had to hide, until he found the cause of this disaster. Hobbling through the busy streets of Coruscant, a variety of different sounds and smells are thrown Kals way. He was tired and hungry, not a good match for a force sensitive Zabrak equipped with a lightsaber. Lifting up a sewer with the aid of his sabres hilt, he climbs underneath. Running through the sewer was definitely not something you would choose, especially not the sewers of one of the most populated cities. Kal didn't know where he was going but for some reason, the clones have gone crazy, talking about this 'Empire' and shooting Jedi. He followed a smell, the smell of roast. This made his starving mouth water. His weak body pushing one foot infront of another, until he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, quite literally. Music blasted and people sang and danced together, as if nothing happened at all, like majority of the Jedi were not just murdered. He kept his head low as he entered the crazy night scene. Markets, stalls and diners were scattered throughout this underground world. At one of the corners, the fragrant smell of rare meat and vegetables escaped into the air. Hungry, the Zabrak searches for the diner at which this smell was created. 'Diggers Den' read a sign above the small restaurant. Inside were two tables, each with a pair of chairs at them. Surrounding the counter was a bar full of buff looking characters, all holding beverages in their hands. Throwing his hood over his head he sneaks closer to the restaurant taking a seat by one of the large men. "Oi, Zabrak, what can I get ya?" speaks a deep voice. It must be the owner. Kal was far too scared and hungry to speak. Rather he points at the deep fried Nuna, which the server seems to understand. "You're not much of a speaker are ya?" states the man. "No problem, this lot never stop talking. It's good to have some peace from one customer" he laughs signally to the buff men sculling their drinks. "Digger! Get us another drink will ya!" shouts one of the men in a demanding voice. Kal couldn't believe the disrespect, this man was providing them with food and drink, and they don't bother to even thank him. "You should be more thankful big guy, not often you find cuisine like this" blurts Kal. He should've kept quiet. The muscular man stands up from his seat staring down at Kal. "You got a lot of nerve coming in ere and picking a fight with me, you Maul wannabe" spits the man. How many times does Kal have to explain, he's nothing like Darth Maul, he's a Jedi, the complete opposite. The Zabrak pushes his cloak aside grasping onto his lightsaber, this catches the eye of Digger. "Ok boys, settle down or no drinks for any of ya!" barks Digger. The buff man backs off and sits back in his seat, not taking his eyes off of the pale Zabrak. Kal spots Digger in the corner of his eye, he was signalling for Kal to follow him. He gets up and stands infront of the man. "Listen I'm sorry, I just didn't like that he was saying-"Digger cuts him off. "Thank you Jedi, I thought you were all gone! I am truly honoured to have you here. Please these Nuna legs are on me" he insisted. "What- how did you know I'm a Jedi?" whispers Kal as he watches for troopers. "Your sabre young man, but beware the Empire want you gone!" he chokes. "I don't understand my good friend was shot by our own clones, what's this Empire and what do they want with the Jedi?" Kal asks as he feasts upon his meal. The Nuna legs reminding him of Mahlie, the first meal he had with her. "I don't know too much son, and I shouldn't say too much either. But it's the Sith, they are alive, and they want you all dead." Adds the server. "The Sith? What do they have to do with the clones?" The Knight blurted. "I don't know son, but that banner could do ya some help, good luck Jedi" Digger finishes as he walks back to the bar. Kal turns his head to find a banner, 'Need Soldiers Enlisting NOW! All Hail the Emperor" was written across it. Walking closer to the image, Kal hears men bickering on about something. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but he was curious. "Thank lord Darth Sidious got Vader to kill those Jedi scums, they think because they have magic force powers that they are better than us! Unbelievable." Laughs one man. "You said it Carl, aint no one want them Jedi round ere anyway, ruining everything for us. As soon as I can you bet ya self I will sign up for em" bursts the other. This confused the Zabrak, Jedi were peace keepers, and people should love them! He knew all the Jedi would jump in front of a bullet to save these people, how could they say such things. 

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