Chapter 3- Am I dying?

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- sensitive content including being drugged/ sexual assault is written below and within the next few chapters.


Jo's POV-
*12 hours later*

I'm numb. I'm shaking. I cant feel anything I don't want to feel anything. I cant believe this happened to me. I was just trying to get my phone. I do grateful the police officers heard my screams, because if they hadn't, I don't even want to think about what would have happened.

I am shaking on the bed when Hero looks over at me. He has been talking to me for the past half hour trying to calm me down, but I don't know what he's saying. It's all a blur. I cant hear, I can barley see, I cant think, I just can't. The only thing I can do is feel numb.


Jo's POV

We're in Anna's arms within two minutes after her speech. It was amazing and so heartfelt. I was so sad to see her start crying that as soon as she finished me and Hero ran up to hug her. We love her so much it's like we're all family.

Now I have to admit. I am in love  Hero. I have been since I met him, but Anna said it wasn't good for production so we had to end it. I mean production is over for now, so maybe just maybe we could re-kindle what we once had...?

"Come on, Jo! You need to dance! Grab your drink and let's go jump around and dance with sweaty strangers!" he exclaims while dragging me by my arms. I'm actually having a nice time and dancing sound like fun so I grab my champagne and head for the dance floor!

We're all dancing, Inana was dared to twerk so she did, Khadija told everyone about the first time she got drunk and puked all over her boyfriend. We all had a good laugh! A new song started playing and I set my drink on the counter to dance hands free for a few minutes. There's a weird guy checking me out and he makes me a little nervous but i don't want to be rude so I don't say anything about it.

"I have to pee, I'll be back" I say loudly to everyone. My bladder literally hurts from holding it so long.

"Oh i'm coming I need to check my makeup" Inana says. And I see the boys look at each other in a weird way. Ugh boys!

We both head the bathroom and I use the restroom and Inana fixes her mascara. I check myself out in the mirror to make sure I don't look bad and when I hear the click of her phone I know she took a picture. " Girl you look HOT! Check out this picture". She hands me her phone and I see a girl in the picture. It's me but a more sexy and pretty version of me.

"Wow I do look hot! Send that to me!" I squeal as we exit the bathroom together. Me and Inana walk over to where everyone was but they are all gone, so I grab my drink from the table and and we go off to find them. The creepy guy is still watching me as I walk off, and we make eye contact. He has brown eyes and is wearing all black. He gives me the creeps.

I take a sip of champagne so i'm not on edge as much and it doesn't do anything so I just chug the rest of the glass and set it down a table we walk by. "Where the fuck are they?" Inana asks.

"I have no idea" I say while looking around. As soon as t words leave my lips I spot them in the corner sitting in the V.I.P. section on a huge couch just relaxing. We walk over and sit down, I sit next to Hero and he hands me a class of champagne.

"Here's your champagne, Jo" he says while putting it in front of me. I look puzzled but then realize he  probably saw I finished my other glass and poured me a new one. That's nice.

I drink the champagne quicker than I should have and it feels like my head is spinning. That's my que to stop drinking. I see the same creepy guy again so this time I turn to Hero, "Hey Hero that guy over there has been watching me for a while and he's kinda creeping me out a bit". He looks over my shoulder and sees the guy watching us and looks me in the eyes.

"It's ok Jo. I will protect you" he says while smiling. His words calm me a bit but I'm still a bit concerned. I'll try to ignore it I guess.

The night seems to be getting longer and later so a few more shots later I'm even more plastered. It's now 12:37 am so I think we're all getting ready to leave. We all head back to the table to get our belongings and head to the car. Just then I released I left my phone at the table. "Shit Hero I left my phone. Don't leave without me!! I'll be right back" I yell.

I make my way back in the club and run to the table in the back and surly enough my phone is still there, thank god.

I pick it up from the table and I see Hero running up to be telling me to run.
"JO! JO RUN!!" he screams from across the club.

He seems so frantic and I'm so confused... Until I feel something hit the back of my head causing me to fall to the ground and my head goes fuzzy. I see black. Am I dying?


(AHHHH!!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger but thank you so much for reading my story!! It's getting very scary and dramatic so i don't think I will be able to stop writing!!! I hope your enjoying the story and don't forget the vote  and comment for more!! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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