Chapter 8- Nightmares

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Jo's POV-

I open my eyes and I'm back there. In the alleyway. I can see the man. The one from the club. My hands and feet are tied together. I cant scream. Why cant I scream? He takes my gag out.

"Hey Princess" he says with a wicked grin. It makes my insides hurt. My head is killing me.

"No. No! NO!" I say while screaming. The man walks over and kicks me in the side. "PLEASE STOP" i'm desperately screaming for him to stop but it's doing no good. He slaps my face. "NO! PLEASE" I say once again.

"Josephine!" I hear a voice calling. None of the men are talking, though.

"Josephine, wake up please!" I recognize the voice. It's Hero. Where is he?


My eyes snap open and I'm met with Hero hovered over me with a scared expression on his face. "Oh my god Jo!" he says and I sit up in the bed.

I can feel my body begin to shake. I'm numb. I cant feel anything. I don't want to feel anything. I just had a nightmare about what I had experienced only 12 hours before. I just went to get my phone and the next thing I knew I was being kidnapped. I'm so grateful the police officers heard my screams though.

I start panicking. FUCK! I want to scream but I cant. I think I'm having a panic attack. I feel like I can't breathe. I cant see straight. I clutch my chest.

"Jo are you alright? What's happening?" he asks with concern. I can barely hear him. "SHIT! JO YOUR HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!" He brushes my arm and I shudder.

"Shit what do I do?" he's starting to panic too which isn't helping me much.

Hero has been talking to me trying to get me to calm down and nothings working. He takes a deep breathe and I feel his hands on my face. He turns me to face him and I can finally hear clearly. "Jo, look at me. Look at me and only me. Breathe with me, baby. In and out" he says and takes a deep breathe. I take one with him. Woah. It's working. We are breathing together with my eyes pouring into his and i can feel my breathing return to normal. He makes all my worry go away just like that.

I hug him so hard it hurts but I don't care. It feels like he just saved my life. "Hero. Thank you" i say and start crying. "I don't know what happened I just couldn't breathe" I explain.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I so sorry I couldn't protect you" he says, and starts crying. Then I remembered what he said at the club. When i told him about the guy and he said he would protect me. He tried to though. He tried. He screamed for me to run and I didn't listen.
"It's all my fault, Jo. I'm so sorry" he says and cries into my hair.

"No! Don't say that! You know damned well this is not your fault. You tried to warn me but I didn't listen. This is my own fault. Not yours. Hero I love you so much. Never forget that" I say while putting my hand on his cheek.

"I love you too" he says back. We lay back down with my head on his chest. I don't want to go back to sleep though. I'm scared.

Reading my mind, Hero suggests we watch a movie instead of sleeping so we watch some disney movies because they're my favorite.

After we've watched Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Tangled. It's morning. The sun is up and the birds are chirping. Hero fell asleep during the last movie, so I let him sleep. I go to grab my walker because I need to pee, and I see that I left it in the other room. Shit! I don't know if I will be able to walk to the bathroom. My side hurts really bad because of how I slept. I just don't want to wake Hero, so I decide to give it a try. I get up off the bed and put my foot out to start walking when my leg gets a sharp pain. I fall to the floor, a loud thud following. My leg hurts so bad.

"Jo?" I hear Hero say and I see him pick his head up. Once he sees i'm on the floor he gets out of bed and rushed to me. "Oh my god, Jo!" he says. "What happened are you alright?" he asks worried.

"Ya I just had to pee and you were finally sleeping so i didn't want to wake you up" i say with a small smile.

"Jo, I don't care if I was sleeping! If you need to get up, which you shouldn't because your supposed to be on bed rest, then you tell me right away!" he scolds. I know he means well but I don't like him yelling at me. It reminds me of last night.

"Don't yell at me. Please don't yell. They yelled at me. Hero please don't yell" I say remembering how I was yelled at the night before.

"Oh god, Jo I'm so sorry!" he says and helps me up. "I didn't mean to yell" he hugs me and helps me to the bathroom. Before I close the door, Hero peers in snd says, "I love you, Jo".

"I love you too. Now let me pee in peace" i say and giggle.

At this moment I feel like we're an old couple. Him helping me walk around and saying how he will help me if I need anything. It's so sweet. I was so suprised when he asked me if he could be my caregiver, but i need one and Hero was probably the best option I had. As I get up to wash my hands, I know for certain.

Hero's the one.


(Hi guys!!! Sorry this chapter is so short:/ I wasn't really inspired today but i am doing daily chapters so don't forget to comment and vote! I'm so thankful for everyone who has read my story!! Love you all- Sarah😊)

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