Chapter 7- Going Home

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Hero's POV-

After about an hour the doctor came and surprised us both. He said that Jo should be ok to go home. I was so surprised because of how bad her injuries were but he said as long as she stays in bed for a day or two, she should be fine.

The doctor gave her some medication for her concussion and some painkillers. He also said that Jo needs to use a walker for the next week or two.

I want to ask her to live with me so bad. I mean we are in a relationship now and she needs someone to take care of her so why not?

"Hey, Jo" i say. She looks at me and waits for me to continue. "How would you feel about us renting a hotel room and you know, like live together? I mean before you say no, you need someone to take care of you. You need someone to get you breakfast,  and help you stand in the shower, and help you when you need to get up". She looks at me surprised at first, but then seeing how i'm right, she looks like she's considering it.

"I don't know Hero. What if we get in an argument and I have to get up and you won't help me" she says. I look at her like she's crazy.

"Jo, I would never do that. I will always help you, especially in this case" i say and I mean it. She looks at me again and smiles.

"Ok Hero. You can be my nurse for the next week" she says and smiles. We both chuckle a bit and then the doctor comes in with her discharge papers and she signs them. She is officially free to leave. We walk out the door and she's surprised when she sees all the others .

"Oh.. I forgot to tell you they were here" I say. I see that nobody is awake now, except for Inana, and when she hears my voice, she looks over and tears come out of her eyes. She runs over to us. She hesitates at first, asking for permission to hug Jo. When Jo laughs and nods Inana hugs her. It's a gentle hug but I can see Jo is in pain, so I say.

"Alright let's leave her a little breathing room" Inana lets go of Jo but looks at her.

"Jo, you scared the shit out of me" Inana tells her with tears in her eyes. "God I thought you were a goner". She starts full on sobbing and I feel bad so I pull them both in for a group hug.
"YOU!" she says and hits my chest. I rub the area and she continues. "you didn't tell me when they said she was ok! You should have woken me up you jerk!" she yells. I feel bad about that but I was too worried about Jo to do anything. Inana smiles and I realize she is just happy Jo is ok.

"Hey! When did you two become so close?" Jo asks. Me and Inana look at each other and I give her a little side hug. "Awww I love that my boyfriend and best friend are close!" she says and then realizes she just told Inana we're together.


At that moment, we all realize we're in the middle of the hallway, so we all move to everyone else. They are all still asleep.
"Guys wake up!" I yell and they all stir and slowly wake up. "Jo's ok everyone! She alright!" I say and look down at my girl and smile.

Everyone wakes up and they all rush up to her and ask if she she's ok. She probably said, "I'm fine, thanks" twenty times.

Then Anna comes. "Jo... Omg I was so scared for you" Anna says and hugs Jo. Anna starts crying, and Jo starts crying too.

"Ok everyone. I just want to tell you all i'm so sorry if I scared you guys. I'm ok, really. Just sore. I'm on bed rest for the next few days and I have to use this thing.." Jo says and picks her walker up off the floor, "for the next weeks or so".

She looks at me and asks "should we tell them, Hero?".

I nod and smile. "Also I have an announcement, everyone!" I yell and all heads turn my way. "Jo and I are officially together!". I hear whoops and cheers and I know everyone is happy for us.

"Let's go home, baby" I say to my girl, and I kiss her. Right there. In front of everyone claiming her as mine.


We're in the car on our way to our new hotel suite when Jo's phone goes off. I had given it back to her after I picked it up off the floor of the club.

"It's Sam" she says.

✉️: Sam - Hey Jo! I just wanna say I'm so happy you're ok and I'm really happy for you and Hero! Congrats!!

✉️: Josephine 👁👅👁- Thanks Sam! See you all soon!

She replies and turns her phone off. I can see somethings bothering her so I ask.

"Everything ok?"

"Yes i'm fine. I just don't like everyone smuthering me so much. I don't like attention" she says with a small smile.

"Oh Ok i'm sorry if I'm over whelming you..." I say apologeticly. She tells me it's ok as we arrive at the hotel. It's nice! A five star. I would do anything for Jo right now so getting a good hotel is nothing.

"Ok I will go get the keycard you stay here. I will be right back" I say and kiss her check. I run in and check the room out and grab the key. I'm getting paranoid so I kinda run down to get Jo. When I see her standing with her walker, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I walk up to her.

"Ok I'm back". She smiles and starts to grab her bag when I quickly run over to her and take her bag. "Oh no you don't! I will get all the bags and you just sit there and look pretty" I say and peck her cheek. She huffs because I know she wants to help, but she also knows I'm right.

Soon I start to struggle with the bags but then get a hold of them all whilst Jo laughs at me. As she goes for the stairs I realize we should probably take the elevator instead. "Jo! Elevator! Please! I'm dying here" I yell to her. She looks at the elevator and then back to me. "Jo there's not way in hell you can get up the stairs by yourself and I can't help you cuz I got the bags" I say with a small smile.

"But Hero Im scared. I'm so scared of elevators!" she says and I feel bad but she also won't be able to make it up the stairs.

"Jo, baby, please I can't hold them much longer and I don't want you to fall. Please?" I ask. I really don't want her to get hurt even more falling down the damned stairs.

She whines but agrees and I press the button. I noticed how scared she is when we get in the elevator, so i drop one of the bags and hug her close to me. "Baby it's ok. I'm here. Just look at me". I'm trying to comfort her the best I can with one arm. It seems to work because the next time I check we're at our floor. "See it's wasn't so bad" I say, and she she looks a bit less scared. I grab her arm and pull her back to my chest. "Hey, I love you" I say.

"I love you" she says back and then gets loose of my grip and starts walking to our suite. I pick up the bags I dropped, and walk over with her. She opens the door quickly, seeing how my arms have turned to jelly from carrying all the bags. I drop them on the floor and jump on the bed, sighing. This place is huge it even has its own living room, and a small kitchen with a microwave, fridge, and coffee pot.

"Hero! Can you help me?" She calls from the bathroom. I rush over to see what's wrong and she stands in front of the mirror with some pjs in her hand. "I need help getting undressed" she says. The blood rushes strait to my... man part. I walk over and help her. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I've seen her naked before. We've made love before, when we dated at the beginning of the film.

I help her undress but my fingers linger at her stitches  where she had her surgery. She doesn't move my fingers away so I just make small circles in her stomach before pulling her shirt off completely and putting on a new one. Once she has completely changed. I change into just my boxers and we walk over to the bed. She looks really tired so I suggest we just just go to bed and she agrees. I climb into bed helping her along the way. She lays on her good side. I come up and cuddle behind her kissing her neck and her cheek and up to her lips. "I love you Jo". I say for the twentieth time today. I just love saying it.

"I love you, Hero" she says and kisses me so softly. Once we stop she lays her head on my chest and we begin to fall asleep. If only we could stay like this forever.


(Hey everyone! Once again thanks for reading my story!! I have big plans for next chapter so stay tuned! hope you're enjoying the story so far and I can't wait for you all to see what's in store for tomorrow's chapter!! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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