Chapter 12- Pool Day

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I'm snuggled up with Hero watching Tangled when his phone goes off. It's his alarm. I look at my own phone and realize it's 9 AM. We really stayed up all night watching movies. I can tell Hero is tired, but he plays it off as if he's wide awake. He yawns, "Wow. It's morning already" he says with surprise.

"Ya I guess it is. Hero go to sleep I know you're tired. I'm gonna go make some coffee for myself" I announce and try to get out of bed.

"No i'm ok. I'm not tired" he says and yawns again. I give him a I know your actually tired look and he yawns again. "Ok, ya. But i'm only gonna sleep for a few hours so wake me up at 12" he says and pulls the covers over his body.

"Ok" I say and peck his cheek. I get up and go take a shower. My cheek hurts from yesterday, but i'm glad there's no mark. I take a shower and change into my cloths for the day, which is a black crop top and some blue ripped jeans. I put on some light makeup and head down stairs. As soon as I hit the bottom floor, I'm met with Khadijha, crying. "Hey. What's the matter?" I ask and sit next to her.

"Oh. Uh. So about yesterday" she says with a sniffle, "I should probably tell you about him". "Leo, the guy I was with, well he was my boyfriend for a few weeks. I met him here, in Atlanta. He seemed so nice and just the other day he told me he loved me for the first time. I don't know why I'm so sad. He abused me. He made me feel like it was normal" she says and sobs into my arms. I cant help but think of the guy. He still seems so familiar.

"Shhhh it's ok. You're away from him now. He cant hurt you anymore" I say and hug her tight.

"Thank you Jo. If you and Hero hasn't come outside yesterday. I don't know what would have happened to me" she says and sniffles. Just then Inanna, Sam and Anna all come down the stairs and we all hug her together. Yesterday was so crazy, but this feeling about me knowing this Leo guy is gonna tear me apart.


Khadijha's POV-

*Seven Weeks Ago*

We just finished the table read for After and I can already tell we are going to have so much fun filming this movie! Everyone decided we would go out for drinks and have fun tonight, so everyone got fancied up and we headed to a club close by. Jo and Hero were hitting it off the best, and everyone could tell. They were practically inseparable. I noticed this cute guy looking at me and I was so bored, I decided to be brave and go over to him.

"Hey" I say with a smile. I was always good at flirting.

"Hey. What's your name cutie?" He asked me. His voice is so sexy. It's like an Italian accent but it's very deep.

"I'm Khadijha. What about you" I say and brush his arm.

"Leo. Let me buy you a drink?" he asks.

"Sure" I say with a smile. He calls over the bartender and I tell him my order.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in a club?" he asks with a cheeky grin.

"Well what makes you think I'm alone?" I giggle. "I'm here with some friends. What's a hottie like you doing her all alone?" I ask.

"Well what makes you think i'm alone?" he says back mockingly. I laugh and we end up talking for the next hour or so.

I notice that Anna is calling me over to the rest of the cast and I look at my phone. It's 1 AM. Shit! "Hey so um... can I get your number?" he asks.

"Of course. But I actually have to leave so take it quick" He gives me his phone and I put my number in as a new contact. "Bye Leo. It was nice meeting you" I say. I turn back not waiting for a response. He was so handsome. We end up leaving and while I'm in the Limo with everyone else, I get a text from him.

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