Chapter 19- Remembering

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Jo's POV-

As I open my eyes I see Im  in an alleyway. How did I get here? Where's Hero? And the doctors? I thought I was in the hospital. There's nothing around me besides two thick brick walls. I see a light at the end of the alley way, so i decide to go to it. Maybe it will lead me out of here. I'm close. Inching closer and closer, when three men walk past the opening and stop when they see me. Something gives me the creeps about these guys, so I decide to turn around and go the other way. As I turn around, I'm met with a brick wall. What? How the hell? I turn back around and see the three men running at me at full speed. There's a door on my left so I try for the handle only for it to be locked. I start pounding on the door. "OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!" I scream as the men inch closer to me. Just as I think the men will reach me, the door opens and a man dressed in all black tells me come in. I gladly comply and walk into the place, only to have it be a dark room, no windows, no doors, just a single chair in the center of the room. With ropes attached to them.

"Thanks guys" the man says to the three men who were coming after me.

"Of course. Anything for The Shark" one of the men say.

The Shark.

Where have I heard that before? Why is it so familiar? 

The Shark

Before I can protest, I'm pushed done to the floor. "We've got you now, BITCH!" one of the men say. Why have I heard his voice before? I'm freaking out. The only though going through my mind is "please god don't let them rape me". I don't think I could live with myself if that happened.

The men pull me up by my hair to the chair and try to tie me up in it, but I'm not going down without a fight. I push, I fight, I scream, I kick. Anything I can do to get these guys off of me. I ended up kicking one of them in the nose, causing it to bleed. Bingo!

I see one of the men pull something out of their pocket. A cloth. They smear some sort of white power on it and I know they're going to drug me. I take a huge breathe before he puts it in my mouth and nose. I have to last as long as I can. I hold my breath like my life depends on it because it does. "LEO DO SOMETHING" the man who they call The Shark yells.

Leo. Leo? Leo!

I know a Leo. Where do I know a Leo.  I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a punch to the stomach, causing me to breathe in. SHIT!

As soon as I take a breath thinking I'm going to back out, I start to see images of everything. It's all coming back to me. I was kidnapped. Twice! By Leo! Hero saved me.


I start thrashing my arms and legs with all I have. I feel someone's hands on my face, but none of the men are touching me. What? "Hey baby, it's ok". A voice says. Who is that. "Jo it's ok i'm here. It's just a dream" The voice says. It's Hero. I just know. My eyes get heavy and before I dose out The Shark leans down and whispers in my ear.

"Don't worry Princess. We'll be back"

Then everything goes dark, once again.


Hero's POV- 

I wake up to a thrashing, shaking, and yelling Jo. Her screams fill my ears and the doctor comes running in. "Hey baby. It's ok." I put my hands on her face. Her eyebrows knit together like she's confused. "Jo it's ok, it's just a dream" I whisper. I shake her shoulders in attempt to wake her. I hate seeing her like this. It's makes me so sad to think she has to experience it again, even if she did lose her memory. It still comes back to haunt her.

Her eyes pop open and she sits up. She's breathing very heavily and when she meets my eyes, she jumps across the bed and flies into my arms. This is taking me completely off guard, but I don't even want it to stop. She pulls away and kisses me. Woah. I missed being able to kiss my beautiful girl. I put my hand on her cheek and my other arm sneaks around her back. She opens her mouth, deepening the kiss. This kiss feels warm and similar. It feels like my Jo. She pulls away, and a whine leaves my lips. I wanted to stay like that forever. Her and me. Me and her. Together.

"Hero I need to tell you something" she whispers looking into my eyes.

The thing she says next nearly makes my knees buckle. "I remember". She whispers. I can't help the tears falling from my eyes as she says the words I only dreamed of hearing her say. I immediately pull her into my arms and kiss her as hard as I can.

I know what I have to do. 

I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman. I pull away from out kiss and get down on one knee. I don't have a ring. Shit! Oh well, let's improvise. I grab the ring pop that the doctor placed on the side for her to eat when she woke up.

"Josephine Eliza Langford. I know I don't have a real ring right now, but we can pick one out together. You are the love of my life. I can't imagine my life without you and I don't even want to. I want to have children with my you and grow old together. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I ask. My voice is shaking like crazy and Josephine has tears in her eyes.

I'm getting extremely nervous because she's taking a while to answer. She smiles the biggest grin I've even seen in my life, and she screams yes! "OMG YES HERO YES!". She pulls me into a hug. Thank god! I pull her into my arms and kiss her harder than I ever have before, lifting her by the waist, spinning in circles. This was a moment to remember. I can't believe i'm going to be able to call this woman my wife.

My dreams finally coming true. And that Leo bastard isn't going to fuck up our lives anymore. I'm going to love Josephine until our last dying breaths.  


Leo's POV-


I nod my head and walk out of his office. This is my last chance. My last time to succeed. If I fuck up again, I'm a dead man walking.

"Derek! Connor! I yell. These two were my bitches. They were the ones who helped me with Josephine those two times and this time going to be different. "This time we WILL take that bitch with us. One way or another, she will be delivered to The Shark and we will get our pay. I have a good plan this time, a better one. We sneak into the hospital, take Hero while she's sleeping and hold him captive. We beat the shit out of him, get him to talk and then we send pictures and videos to Jo, telling her to meet us at the top of the shelton hotel. The tallest building in the state. She won't want us to hurt her poor little boyfriend so she will come with us one way or another" it was a good plan. If Jo protested, we would hang Hero over the edge of the building until she agreed with us. Simple as that. 

Now we just have to do everything right.


(Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that this story is coming to an end soon! About 2-3 more chapters, but it's going tot are a turn you would NEVER expect! Thank you so much if you stuck with this story and read every chapter! It really means a lot! Don't forget to vote and comment and read the new story "Brotherly Love" which I am going to be updating today! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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