Chapter 17- True or Not true

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Jo's POV-

"Jo, Baby. You're gonna be ok" I hear the farmiliar voice say. Who is that? His voice is laced with a thick British accent. I don't know anyone British.

I fall back asleep.


Damn that light is bright. I wake up in an unfamiliar room. Where am I? I am hooked up to a bunch of different machines. What is this place. I look around me and see a man clinging to my arm. Who the fuck is that? I look at the walls and see a sign that says "Atlanta Hospital". Why am I in the hospital? What is going on? The man holding onto my arms starts to wake up. Shit!

He lifts his head and looks up at me. His eyes are red and puffy. He looks as if he'd been crying? Why was he crying? I don't even know this guy? I mean he is very attractive. Green eyes, brown hair, and he's got a good body. Snap out of it Jo! You don't even know him. But why is he here?

He looks up at me and he looks surprised. Maybe he's in the wrong room? Maybe he thought I was someone else? "JO! OMG JO!" he yells he jumps up and hugs me. How the hell does he know my name? He runs into the hallways and shouts, "She's awake! Someone come!" he runs back into the room and comes beside me. "Jo thank god! I was so scared!" he says. He takes my face in his hands and to my surprise he kisses me!!! Who the hell is this guy? I pull away from him and get up from the bed.

"Um. Who the fuck are you?" I ask. It looks as if he's seen a ghost.

"Jo. Jo it's me. It's Hero" he says and a tear escapes his eye.

Who's Hero?


Hero's POV-

She... she doesn't remember me? How could she not remember me? Just then the doctor walks in, but he stays quiet.

"Jo. You don't remember me? I'm your boyfriend" I tell her. She looks confused. I'm trying to hold tears in as much as I can, but a few escape my red eyes. "Babe, please. Jo I love you" I say and walk over to her. She backs away into the wall, and I stop. She really doesn't remember me. I fall to the ground and let everything out. I start sobbing uncontrollably.

"Josephine, I'm doctor Alveres. I am the one who helped you. Do you remember anything at all from last night?" she asks. She shakes her head no. FUCK! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT! If I had pushed away Khadijha in time, she wouldn't have seen Khadijha kiss me, she wouldn't have left and she wouldn't have been kidnapped! Again! Shit! Shit! Shit! "Hero maybe you could tell her who you are, and everything that went down last night" the doctor suggests. I nod and stand up. I feel like I might fall down, so I sit on the chair next to the bed and sigh.

"Jo. I'm Hero. I am your boyfriend and co-star. We worked together while filming our movie. We got together right after we finished filming. Jo. Last night. You were kidnapped" she sucks in a breath and looks like she's seen a ghost. "It's a long story, but you had been kidnapped by them previously, and you got away. They came back and got you again, but I followed your location and found you. Me and your other co-stars saved you from them. They are in jail, though, so they can't hurt you again" I explain. She lets out a tear from her eyes and I'm completely shocked when she runs over to me and hooks her arms around my neck. I didn't except that.

"I may not remember you, but thank you. Thank you so much!" she cries into my chest. My poor girl. She must be scared right now. Having someone who she sees as a stranger telling her she had been kidnapped. It's sounds crazy. It is crazy.

"Josephine. I think you are suffering from memory loss. You had a very hard kick to the head, so it's not surprising, but we would like to keep you over night for a CT scan so we can see the damage. Then we can tell if it's temporary or not" Dr. Alveres explains.

I really hope this is temporary. I cant live like this. Her not knowing who I even am. It makes me so sad.

"Hero. That's your name isn't it?" she looks up at me. I nod my head.

"Yes baby that's my name" I say and kiss her head. The doctor leaves the room with a smile and tells her that they will come back in 3 hours to give her the CT scan. 3 hours and I'm not gonna leave her side.

"Let's play a game" she says. I look at her and tilt my head in confusion. "True or not true. I ask you questions and you tell me if it's true or not. To help with my memory i guess" she says and pulls away from my embrace.

"Ok. Ask away" I say. We both sit on her bed.

"We're dating. True or not true?" she asks. I smile and take her hand.

"True. We have been dating for over a month" I smile back.

"I'm an actress. True or not true" she asks.

"True. And a damn good one at that" I reply, which causes her to smile.

"Our movie is good. True or not true" she slowly moves closer to me on the bed.

"Umm well Is like to have a little hope" I joke. "But yes I think our movie is very good" I add. She rests her head in my lap and I play with her hair.

We play this game and we talk about everything. I mean everything. It felt like we had been getting very close for the first time all over again. It felt nice, but at the same time it pains me to think she doesn't remember anything. Not the sweet moments we had together. Nothing.

There hours had passed by the time we had finished her game. She had fallen asleep in my lap and I was just playing with her hair when the doctor walked in. "Jo. Wake up, hun. The doctors here" I gently shake her and she sits up.

"Hello Josephine. We're ready to take you back for your CT scan, so we're gonna have you sit in this wheel chair and we're gonna wheel you to the third floor" the doctor explains. As I go to follow them, the doctor stops me. "I'm so sorry sir but you're not allowed back there at the moment. Only patients" he explains with a small smile. I nod and sit back down on the chair. I cant help but think of all the cute moments we had. Especially one time when we were in our hotel suite.


"HERO!! STOP PLEASE!" she yelled. Instead of listening to her I continued to chase her around our hotel suite. She just insulted my favorite pair of pants! "THEY'RE JUST PANTS!" she shrieked as I followed her around the bed. Her giggles filled the room.

"OH NOW YOU'RE GONNA GET IT" I jump over the bed and grab her in my arms. I gently throw her on the bed and tickle her. She shrieks and begs me to stop.

"HERO! PLEASE!" she says between giggles. "HERO IM GONNA PEE MYSELF" she yelled through laughs.

"Not until you say sorry about my pants!" I say and tickle her even harder. She yelled once again and continued to giggle.

"OK IM SORRY!" she yelled. Her smile was huge which made me smile too. I stop tickling her and I fall back on the bed next to her. We look at each other and laugh together, making us both smile. She looked in my eyes like I was the only person in the world and I did the same for her. Because she was. She was the only person in the world.

"I love you Jo" I say and lean up and kiss her on the cheek. She smiled at my gesture, and kissed me back, only she went for my lips.

"I love you Hero" she say back, after pulling away.

End of Flashback

That night was one of the best nights of my life.

I couldn't help but wonder.

Will we ever get to have more nights like that?


(Hey everyone! I'm so so so sorry I didn't post yesterday! I started school and it's very stressful! I also got the true and not true game from The Hunger Games so ya! As always tell me what you thought of this chapter and tell me what you think will happen next! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!-Sarah😊)

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