Chapter 14- Memories

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Hero's POV-

We have been playing this game for about 5 minutes and Jo has already given me a lap dance, Inanna took a body shot off Khadijha, Sam is wasted, and I told everyone about the time I went to the hospital for stepping on a barbie doll. I have to admit, this game is getting pretty fun. "Oh guys! I just remembered. I bought drinks!!" Anna says and runs into the kitchen. She comes back with Beer, White Claws, and tequila. We pass it around and 10 minutes later we're all pretty drunk.

"Ok my turn!" Jo squeals. She rolls the dice and it lands on purple. It's the if you've ever card. She picks up the card on top and starts to read it out loud. "If you've ever had" she stops and her smile fades.

"Jo what's wrong" I ask her. She's gone pale. "Jo?".  I take the card and read it. The card says :

If You've ever.....

had something traumatic happen to you.

Shit! I look at Jo and her eyes are glossy. "Uh... It's getting pretty late. I think the games over" I say and rub Jo's shoulder. I knew as soon as she read the card she went back to that night.

"Why? What's wrong? What did the card say?" Inanna asks. She looks worried. "Jojo what's wrong?" she asks and goes to sit next to her. I show her the card and she looks at Jo sympathetically. "Oh... Jo. I'm sorry" she whispers. Everyone is looking at us. I read the card out loud. "If you've ever had something traumatic happen to you" I say and a tear falls down Jo's face.

Immediately Anna comes over to Jo and hugs her. Then Shane, and Sam, and Dylan. "Um I'm gonna go to bed" Khadijha says. She looks mad and upset? I don't really know.

"Guys I think we're gonna head up, too" I say and take Jo's hand leading her up. She cries into my chest and we start walking away. "Night everyone" I say, but Inanna follows us up the stairs and into our room.

I put Jo on the bed and turn to Inanna. "Hey, can I talk to you outside?" she asks. She looks worried and that makes me worried.

"Ya sure" I say. We walk into the hallway and I close the door behind us.

"So... you never told me about what happened the other morning. When I heard Jo screaming. I know you're her boyfriend, but I'm her bestfriend and I'm really worried" she says. I feel bad that I forgot to tell her so she's probably been going mad.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you. Well basically" I stop and take a deep breathe. "That night. When she got... Well i think she was really traumatized. That night she had a really bad dream. I had to shake her awake and when she woke up she was shaking and crying and I think she went into some sort of shock. It was really scary" I say and I see a tear form in her eye. "She's been getting them every night. I don't know how to make it stop" I say and then a tear forms in my eye. She looks at me and I look at her. She closes the space between us and hugs me. It lean into it. Inanna is like my second sister. I view her as family, Jo too. I break away from the hug.

"I feel so bad! She has to experience it again and again every night?" she asks. I nod my head and she cries a bit more. I feel bad for her too. It must be horrific. It's like with Hardin and his nightmares. Inanna wipes under her eyes. "Ok well i'm gonna go to bed. Thank for telling me" she says and hugs met again. "And if you need to talk about something. I mean anything, just know I'm here" she says with a reassuring smile. I nod and she put her hand on my cheek and smiles again. "Night" she says.

"Night" I reply. Inanna walks to her and Khadijha's room and just as Inanna walks in Khadijha comes out. She looks a bit pissed, but she walks over to me. "Hey. You ok?" I ask her. I would feel bad if she wasn't ok and I didn't even ask. She just looks at me blankly. The next thing she does terrifies me. She walks over to me, closes the space between us, and fucking kisses me. WHAT THE FUCK!?

I try to push her off of me but she holds onto me tighter. I finally get loose of her grip and to my absolute horror, I see Jo with wide eyes and a wide mouth. Tears in her eyes, and soaking her cheeks. SHIT!


Jo's POV-

After I read that card I got reminded of that night. God why am I so fucked up? Me and Hero dismiss ourselves from the group and Inanna came with us. Hero put me on the bed, leaving me to cry as Inanna asks him to talk in the hallway. I need to go to the bathroom, so I go into the one attached to our room and look in the mirror. I look awful. My mascara has run, and smudged under my eyes, my eyes are red and puffy, and my cheeks are stained with tears. I hate this, and I hate being alone. I need to hold Hero right now. I need him to whisper how it's going to be ok in my hair and I cry into his chest. I need to smell his cologne on his shirt that he will eventually give to me to sleep in. I wipe under my eyes and walk out of the bathroom, to the door. I open it, but what I see next horrifies me. It's Hero. Kissing Khadijha.

What the absolute fuck?


(Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter!! :( I havnt been inspired lately and school is staring really soon so i'm kinda stressing out. I might finish this story soon. I don't really know. I really want to start another story but about Emery and her life and Hardin and Tessa. Tell me what you think!! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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