Chapter 20- What Better Night?

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Jo's POV-

I can't believe this! Hero's proposing! "YES! OMG HERO YES!" I scream and attack him with my lips. I'm going to marry Hero. I'm going to marry the love of my life and we will have kids and grow old together. I just know it!

I pull away from the kiss and tears are pouring down both of our faces. I kiss him again and again. "I love you so fucking much" he whispers to me.

"I love you more" I say back and kiss the tip of his nose. He blushes and returns it. As I lean into Hero, I see the doctor sitting there with his phone. He probably recorded it.

"I'll send that over to you guys" he says with a smile. He then walks out of the room.

You know I just realized. I haven't had sex with Hero, or anyone, in for the last 4 months.

What better night to start again than my engagement night?

Feeling brave, I walk over to the door and lock it. I go over to the windows and pull down the curtains. No one can see anything. I turn back at Hero and he has a grin on his face. "Are you sure Jo? 100%. And please don't just say you are because of me. I don't need to yet. This is about you. Are you 1000% sure you want to do this?" he asks with worry in his eyes.

I nod. I do. I feel safe when I'm with Hero. He makes me want to open myself for him, and not just my legs. He wouldn't hurt me.

I walk over to him, straddle his lap, and start kissing his neck. I start moving my hips. He sucks in a breath and places his hands on my waist. My skin burns under his touch. A good burn.

I remove my mouth from his neck and take off his shirt. I start kissing his shoulders and down his chest. I take off his belt and I can already see the strain against the fabric. I pull his pants down leaving him in just his boxers.

Lucky me, I'm not supposed to wear anything but panties  underneath this hospital gown, so I take off the gown and expose my chest and body. Hero looks down at my chest and his eyes widen. I walk over to Hero and sit on his waist again, only in my panties now. His hand immediately goes up to massage my chest, making me moan his name. I go to his neck and leave sloppy kisses down all while his hands work their magic.

Before I know it be are both stopped completely and Hero is hovering above me. "Jo I'm sorry for asking again, but are you absolutely 100% sure?" he asks again.

I nod. I want him so bad. "No nodding. I need words Josephine" he says. I know he needs the reassurance.

"Yes. I want you now" I say and kiss his lips. He is so damn adorable. He goes into his wallet and grabs a condom.

Surely enough, I did want him. And we got lost in each other over and over and over again. That's when I knew this wasn't sex. We were making love.

This was the best night of my life.


Hero's POV-

I can't believe this woman. This incredible and brave and amazing woman in front of me. She just faced a huge fear and I was the lucky bastard to help
her out. After we made love multiple times, she fell asleep in my arms.

I woke up to the sound of someone talking. I don't recognize the voice, so I just pretend i'm asleep. I'm only in my boxers and Jo is in her nightgown and panties because she wanted to get dressed in case anyone came in here.

I realized the voice was actually voices. Three of them. I can hear boots walking over to the bed. I'm about to fake wake up until i realized they are on my side. Without warning, I feel a needle go into my neck. What the fuck? I look up and see three masked men. "Don't touch her." I tried to yell, but it came out as a whisper.

The last thing I hear before I pass out is his disgusting voice whispering in me ear.

"Don't worry we won't hurt our princess. Not yet"



Leo's POV-

Me and my boys came late at night. We told the desk lady we were family and she let us through. After we drugged Hero, my boys dragged him out and thankfully no one saw us leaving through the back exit.

We drive to the building. The tallest one in Atlanta. Hero is still knocked out, and probably will be for the next 30 minutes. We arrive at the building ten minutes later, and we take him to the rooftop and chain him to a chair. "Boys get the bats" I say. Hero stirs and eventually opens his eyes. "Well well well. If it isn't lover boy. Of should I say fiancé?" I ask. As soon as he realized what's going on he starts thrashing around in his the chair, desperately trying to break free. "No No No lover boy. You won't break free out of these chains". He's so helpless it's pathetic.

Just then my boys come back up with the bats. Hero looks over at them and then back to me. "Where the fuck am I? What did you do to Jo? If you touched her I will kill you! I swear to you!" he spits and pulls at the chains. I whistled to my goons and they started hitting him. I heard a few cracks. Good. After about 10 minutes, he looks like shit. Bruises all over his body, a swollen eye, and by the looks of it, at least 3 broken ribs.

"Ok! Now just to take some picture and send them to Josephine. Well have her soon boys" I tell him. I get my phone out of my pocket and snap some photos of Hero. I send her a friendly little text along with it. She should be here soon.

Now, we wait.


(Hey everyone!! Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm pretty sure the next chapter is the last one! Thanks if you stuck around for the whole thing! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think will happen next! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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