Ch15 - The girl that was on fire

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Cato was also looking at the girl on the banners, the girl that was on fire, the girl with the shining eyes and stone hard face. He didn't want to look, but looked anyway. How could he not?

A few minutes later, the parade was over and they where back where Brutus, Enobaria, Lilum and Nikon waited for them. They all smiled and cheered, even though Cato's thoughts was focusing on something else. Who was this girl? He searched the room for her, and soon enough found her, standing with her team. She stood right next to her District partner, a blond blue eyed boy probably in the same age as her. He wasn't very special, he looked like an average, but he still looked strong. Even though he had the same costume as the girl, Cato still couldn't remember her name, the boy looked ridiculous. He surely didn't fit in flames like the girl did.

Suddenly, the girl and her team looked back at Cato with disgust. Cato wasn't sure if he should continue to stare at her or look away, but he didn't have the time to decide. Their mentor, the old alcoholic man that won the 50th game, took them away with a strange stare back at Cato. Cato smirked at the old man as he walked away, he was sure going to find out who this girl was. The girl that stole his spotlight.

"Since you are from District 2, you get the second floor." Thalia says as they wait for the elevator in the training center. The elevator trip itself was short and didn't take more than a minute. When the doors opened and they took their first glance at their new apartment, Clove and Cato gasped at the same time. Thalia smiled with delight while Brutus and Enobaria laughed slightly at their reactions.

"This is going to be your home the next few days." Thalia said while she started to walk through the huge room. Clove and Cato followed her, amazed. She showed them every room in the apartment, and stopped in the hallway outside their rooms.

"And last, but surely not least.. Your bedrooms!" She looked back at them with a smirk. "Clove, that's your room," She pointed at the one to her right. "And Cato, that's yours. Now, go and take off your costumes, we will meet you in the dining room in one hour, don't be late!" She said with her bright voice, and then marched off on her sky high shoes. Clove and Cato exchanged a glance, before they both pushed down their handles and walked inside their rooms.

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