Ch5 - Clove's Restaurant

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She twirled around and stopped in the kitchen.

”So, What would you like to eat?” She asked him over her shoulder, wandering off to the refrigerator and open the door.

”Whatever you take,” He said with a cheeky smile as leaned against the door frame lazily.

”How does eggs sound?” She asked him and scummed through the shelves looking for the egg package.

”Sounds as perfect as you are.”

”That's really sweet, you know that?” She laughed gently as she pulled out the eggs and then searched for a pan to fry them in.She found the pan fairly fast, placed it on the stove and put down the eggs next to it. She shivered slightly as she turned on the stove and waited for it to heat up.

”Oh my god, It's really cold in here.” She said with a chuckle and sighed. Cato smirked softly as he walked up to her from behind and wrapped his arms around her.

”Maybe this will help.” He whispered in her ear and pulled her closer to him.

”You're so warm, love.” She said softly as she cracked an egg into the pan. He smiled and looked down at her.

”Fate is really a good thing.”

Definitely a good thing.”

He turned her around from the pan of eggs and looked into her eyes, then he leaned down and kissed her gently. She smiled against his lips, running her hand over the back of his head.

”I couldn’t imagine a better morning,” He whispered when they broke away.

”Me neither.” She giggled, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. He smiled and then looked over her, down into the pan.

”Are you going to flip that or what?” He asked her with a teasing smile and a quiet giggle.

”Oh no!” She turned around quickly, grabbing the spatula to scramble the eggs before they got burned.

”That’s your fault, you distracted me!” She said with a laughter as she worked with the eggs.

”Don’t blame this on me, you’re the awful cook!”

”Well, thanks for the compliment! I guess you don’t get any eggs now!”

He smiled down at her.

”You’re a very beautiful, and at the moment, a bit angry cook..” He said with a smile and kissed her on her forehead gently.

”See, that’s not fair! You’re such a charmer!” She slid the eggs onto two plates.

”I try my best!" He said with a chuckle.

”I know you do. So what would you like to drink?” She said and handed him his plate, slowly starting to move towards the dinner table and placing her plate on the table.

”Whatever you take, beautiful." He answered with a smile.

”Smooth talkin’ now, are we?” She leaned in and pecked him quickly on the lips before turning around and heading towards the refrigerator.

”I’ll get you some orange juice,” she then said, opened the refrigerator and placed it on the counter. She then took out two glasses and poured orange juice in both of them. "I hope that's okay with Mr Charmer here." She said with a teasing voice and placed the Orange juice back in the refrigerator.

”Yeah, but can I do anything?” He asked with a smile.

”No, I’ve got it, love. Sit down and relax.” She brought the glasses to the table and sat down across to him. "Enjoy your eggs!"

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