Chapter 5

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"he's gonna be okay here right?" Will ask, seeming slightly anxious.

"he'll be fine." Wheeljack assured. Will nodded and yawned slightly, heading for his room. Ironhide was already laying on his bed and Will was getting used to it, except Ironhide was a bed hog. he was sleeping in the middle of the bed with his arms sprawled out. Will huffed and walked over. he tried moving the man but it didn't work so Will gave an annoyed sigh and simply curled up beside his guardian, resting his head on the mans arm. he was going to take up the whole bed, he'd have to deal with his arm being asleep. he yawned and fell asleep, ignoring Ironhide's grumbling in his sleep.


it was later in the day when Will woke up, on the bed by himself. he stretched and yawned quietly, looking up as the bathroom door opened.

"those don't look like my pants." Will said.

"because they aren't yours. some human soldiers brought us all some clothes." Ironhide said, drying his wet hair with a towel. Will watched him a moment before getting up and stretching again.

"what time is it?" Will ask.

"nearly 4pm. you slept for about 6 hours." Ironhide replied. Will nodded and stretched, heading out of the room. suddenly Ironhide slammed him against the wall.

"ouch! hey! be gentle you already hurt my-" Will was cut off when Ironhide suddenly slammed his lips against the soldiers. Will never got a chance to respond as suddenly his guardian was gone. Will looked around, but couldn't find him. the man was just gone, looking out into the garage, the borrowed truck was gone. Ironhide had left. the man had kissed him and run off. Will scoffed slightly and headed to the kitchen. Optimus was sitting in the kitchen, reading. "hey Optimus, did Hide come through here?" Will ask.

"left in a big hurry." Optimus shrugged. "he seemed... I'm not sure. I've never seen that look on his face." Optimus said. Will nodded.

"he was acting pretty weird." Will frowned slightly. Optimus looked at him and watched him shake his head and sigh. as the day went on, Ironhide didn't return. Will went to bed as it got dark outside and Ironhide still hadn't returned.

*a few days later*

nearly a week later and Ironhide was still avoiding him, but Will knew how to catch him off guard. he snuck quietly down the stairs and angrily grabbed Ironhide's shirt. the man quickly put his coffee down and was going to pull the arm off him, but realized it was Will's injured arm. he didn't want to hurt him again. he narrowed his eye's at Will slightly, confused, but yelped in surprise as the man tugged on his shirt and pulled him towards the stairs. he pulled Ironhide upstairs and slammed him against the wall, the same way the man had done to him.

"whats your problem?" Will glared. "you throw me around, break my wrist, slam me against walls, and kiss me. what the fuck is your problem?" Will glared. Ironhide didn't answer him, simply stared at him silently. "then you avoid the fuck out of me and won't even talk to me." Will hissed. Ironhide watched him his face growing red. Will slammed his lips against his guardians and Ironhide grabbed the collar of his shirt roughly, holding him closer. after a moment Ironhide shoved him back, glaring slightly, but Will could see he was embarrassed.

"hey I heard shouting. are you two okay?" Optimus ask, poking his head in.

"yeah Prime we're fine." Ironhide grumbled. the Prime seemed unsure but nodded and walked back out of the room. Will watched Ironhide silently.

"well?" Ironhide glared.

"don't well me, you're the one who didn't even give me a chance the other day. you just took off." Will glared. he shrugged slightly, but stayed quiet. "just use your words Hide." Will said.

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