Bonus chapter

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after returning to the base, Ratchet found he couldn't forget the little furball that had been so attached to him. Clank, as Will so affectionately named him, had quickly joined them at the base. becoming the Autobot medbay mascot. the cat had been completely unaffected by Ratchets change, he'd probably seen Ironhide do it quiet a few times, and was still firmly attached to the medic. a care team had been immediately brought in for the cat, setting up parts of the base with safe things for the creature, though most of it's items were in the medbay or Ratchets room. there was a 24 hour team for the cat, that was mostly there in case anything happened but they did take care of cleaning Clank and the litter box and whatever mess the creature created, things that Ratchet could do if he had time, but would rarely ever have time to do. Wheeljack was just happy his bondmate was happy, even if he wasn't too fond of Clank.

"Clank no." Wheeljack glared, moving the creature from his work. Clank stared at him boredly, huffing. "I told you Ratchet is taking a stasis nap. go bug someone else." Wheeljack muttered. he used his holoform to pick the creature up and put him back on his cat tree. he long whiney meow was his only answer. "I'm working. I'm trying to build you a safety suit. stay out of the way, Ratchet would be completely crushed if you got... well... crushed." Wheeljack said. Clank meowed at him. "if he didn't like you, you'd already have been-" Wheeljack muttered. he was thumped on the back of the head hard.

"don't threaten my creature." Ratchet huffed. the cat purred happily, watching the medic. Clank loved the 'my creature' and was probably beginning to think that was his name. he meowed happily as the medic gently ran a finger down his back. Wheeljack sighed grumbling about his project. "c'mon Jack, lets go get a cube." Ratchet said, nodding the inventor towards the door.

"but I-" Wheeljack tried as Ratchet dragged him towards the door.

"a break could do you some good." Ratchet said. Wheeljack sighed and let his bondmate drag him off. they got to the rec room, both grabbing a cube, and looked around. it was pretty empty today. Ironhide, with Will on his leg, was sitting on the couch boredly watching tv. the lambo wins were wrestling over in the corner. Optimus was reading quietly. Prowl, an Autobot who had landed recently, and Jazz were chatting quietly, though the TICs doorwings were twitching. Prowl was clearly annoyed.

"why am I out here?" Wheeljack mumbled.

"because you need a break Jack. you've been working on that three days now." Ratchet said. Wheeljack shot him a dirty look but sipped his cube, before pausing. something seemed wrong, very wrong. "Wheeljack?" Ratchet ask.

"somethings not right." Wheeljack frowned quietly. Ratchet probed the bond, the inventor was on edge about something.

"Jack are you-" Ratchet tried. a loud explosion rocked the base, coming from towards the medbay.

"my invention!" Wheeljack shouted. immediately everyone in the room raced towards the explosion. the medbay hall way was engulfed in flamed. there was medical equipment everywhere. "slag! my invention! the medbay!" Wheeljack said staring in shock. he could feel something from Ratchets side of the bond, looking over the medic stared in horror at what was left of his medbay. "i-it's okay Ratch we can fix it." Wheeljack tried.

"you idiot! Clank was in there!" Ratchet shouted angrily running towards the flames as their friends quickly started putting the fire out. Wheeljack followed him.

"if that thing was in there, I doubt it's in one piece." Ironhide muttered, looking at the wreckage. Will was sad to admit the same feeling.

"Clank!" Wheeljack shouted, lifting up pieces of rubble. with the fire out, the others joined in the search of the medbay. scanning the rubble, picking pieces up, searching for the medics missing feline.

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