Chapter 7

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"go on Clank. go back to Ratchet." Will said. the cat took off for Ratchets room. he smiled and moved to let Ironhide in. the man closed the door behind him. Ironhide headed into the kitchen and Will smiled at him. he wondered where he and Ironhide's relationship was gonna go but at the same time he didn't care. they'd probably do what they always did, just roll with it and not say anything. Will could do that. he watched his guardian make himself something to eat and walk past him. he chuckled slightly. "if you were hungry we could've stopped to get you something to eat." Will offered.

"and why would I want to do that? I don't want to eat something in that truck." Ironhide said.

"its not alive Hide." Will chuckled.

"do I really look like I give a fuck? crumbs are disgusting!" Ironhide huffs. Will shrugged heading upstairs. "whats up?" Ironhide ask.

"I'm gonna go get a bath." Will said. Ironhide nodded and sat down on the couch. from his experience as a guardian, Will took really long baths and it could be an hour or two before they saw him again so Ironhide settled in on the couch to wait.

Will sank happily into the water, eye's closed and relaxed. it was quiet for a while, the way he liked it, before he heard something. he lazily opened his eye's, maybe Ironhide was coming up to check on him, he did that sometimes.

"Hide?" Will muttered, sitting up. he looked around but saw nothing. "huh." he shrugged getting out, the water was getting cold anyway. he turned towards the sink, grabbed a towel, and wrapped a towel around his waist. as he turned towards the door he froze. Barricade grinned at him and slammed him into the tub holding him under the water quickly. Will struggling with him kicking and pulling at his hands, but he was stronger.

Ironhide frowned as he heard a noise. his body stiffening, something was wrong.

"Ironhide you okay?" Ratchet ask, seeing him get up.

"yeah, gonna go check on Will." he muttered. he headed for the stairs and thats when they all heard it.

"IRONHIDE!" Will screamed at the top of his lungs. immediately everyone went running up the stairs, Ironhide first of course. he tried the bedroom door but it was locked, of course. he tried shouldering the door opened but that didn't work either. Optimus stepped up behind him to try but Ironhide moved him out of the way and kicked the door opened, running inside. the others followed, looking at the door that had been broken off the hinges. Ironhide kicked open the bathroom door without hesitation. seeing someone else in the room, he quickly grabbed the toilet tank lid and slammed it over their head. it shattered and the man dropped to the floor.

"Barricade." Optimus frowned, watching blood from the holoform leak on to the ground.

"Will!" Ironhide shouted, running over to the bathtub. the water was turning red and he could faintly see Will's lifeless face under the water. he was quick to grab the mans upper body and drag him from the tub, covering himself in the water and blood. Will wasn't moving and there were dark handprints around his neck. Ironhide laid him on the floor on his back, listening to his chest. "I don't think he's breathing." Ironhide said. Wheeljack shoved him out of the way and started CPR while Ratchet called for an ambulance. Ironhide sat on his ass beside him, where Wheeljack had shoved him. the room was quiet and tense as Wheeljack tried to wake the man.

"are you sure you're doing that right?" Bumblebee ask.

"he has the internet just let him work." Optimus said. Bumblebee nodded, stepping back. suddenly, Will coughed, spitting water into Wheeljacks face. the inventor sat back quickly and watched as he continued to cough up water for a minute. he winced and slowly sat up rubbing his throat.

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