Chapter 9 (end)

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"I can touch whatever I want thank you. I am stronger." Ironhide said pulling his hand free to reach up. Will pushed his hand away holding onto his wrist tightly, using his other hand to hold Ironhides just as tightly, hoping to keep the man down. Ironhide easily pulled his hands free and grabbed onto Wills wrists. Will grunted pulling free and throwing a pillow over Ironhide's face.

"don't touch my neck jerk. I suffocate you with that pillow." Will warned. Ironhide snorted in amusement and threw the pillow at Will.

"you couldn't suffocate me. I'm too strong for you." Ironhide reminded him.

"I can try." Will huffed. Ironhide smiled slightly and laid on his back on the bed. Will threw the pillow hard at him and flopped onto the bed beside him.

"how bad does your neck hurt?" Ironhide ask.

"its fine Hide." Will said. Ironhide rolled his eye's.

"you could ask Wheeljack to heal you with that stuff he made for Ratchet." Ironhide said.

"I'm fine." Will assured. Ironhide shrugged slightly, holding him. Will smiled and cuddled him. "we should go for a drive." Will suggested. Ironhide looked at him.

"okay." he shrugged. "less fun when I'm not driving though." Ironhide said.

"yeah thats true..." Will said. "we could go for a drive to the base though." Will suggested. Ironhide rolled his eye's and got up.

"yes Will lets go for a drive." Ironhide said. Will grinned at him and got up heading for the door. they got into the truck and left. they rode together and it was quiet for a bit, but Will could tell Ironhide wanted to say something.

"Hide?" Will ask.

"Wheeljack thinks he found a way to fix us. I'm not supposed to say anything to you, but we're going to the base tomorrow. we're leaving you and Sam at the house. we should return as our normal selves." Ironhide said.

"whats going to happen when they change you guys back?" Will ask. Ironhide realized he was talking about with them and frowned as he thought.

"I suppose this happens." Ironhide motioned to them. "we just keep going." Ironhide shrugged. Will nodded.

"okay." Will smiled slightly. he seemed slightly relieved.

"you were worried things would go back to the way they were before?" Ironhide ask.

"a little." Will admitted.

"they won't unless you want them to." Ironhide said.

"I don't want them to." Will said. Ironhide nodded.

"alright." Ironhide replied.

"why aren't we supposed to know?" Will ask.

"Wheeljack doesn't want to get anyone's hopes up." Ironhide said. Will nodded.

"I can understand that. so will you be back before or after I get up?" Will ask.

"don't know. depends what happens." Ironhide replied. Will nodded and continued to drive.

"wanna go to the beach?" Will ask.

"sure." Ironhide agreed. Will drove to the beach and parked. he jumped out, tossing his shirt into the front seat. Ironhide hopped out doing the same.

"lets build a sand castle." Will grinned. Ironhide gave him an odd look.

"uh okay...?" Ironhide ask. Will chuckled.

"it's not hard and I'll never get you to agree to it when there is a possibility it will drag sand into you." Will said. Ironhide rolled his eyes but agreed to do what Will wanted. he figured they'd stay out here until Will got tired, then he'd drive them home and got to bed, while Ironhide went to the base with the others.

Ironhide's plan is exactly what happened. Will was all but falling asleep in the sand and Ironhide motioned for him to get in the truck.

"come on. I'll drive us home." Ironhide said. Will nodded and got into the truck, followed by Ironhide. he drove them home and changed clothes, back into his original holoform clothes. Will yawned and curled up on the bed, Ironhide laying beside him. he watched Will for a bit, until he was sure the man was asleep, then got up, but Will grabbed his hand. Ironhide looked downa at him. "you're supposed to be asleep." Ironhide said.

"I know." Will mumbled. Ironhide crouched beside the bed.

"I have to go." Ironhide said. Will smiled slightly.

"mmhmm. I love you Hide." Will yawned, curling up. Ironhide stared at him a moment, before getting up, covering him with the blanket and leaving. Will snored softly as he slept, a small smile on his face.

*next morning*

Will woke up with Ironhide snoring beside him. he shifted and cuddled him.

"Hide?" Will yawned. Ironhide shifted.

"hmm?" he mumbled.

"it didn't work?" Will ask. Ironhide mumbled something Will couldn't understand and held him, so he decided to let him sleep. he nuzzled into the bigger mans neck and smiled, content to lay there for a bit. he wasn't sure how long Ironhide had been back and the man was probably exhausted. Ironhide tightened his hold and mumbled.

Will simply laid there until Ironhide stirred.

"hey Hide." Will smiled as the man let go.

"hey." he stretched.

"it didn't work?" Will ask. Ironhide smiled at him.

"how about breakfast?" he ask. Will seemed confused.

"uh... sure?" Will said. they got up and headed down stairs, but Ironhide grabbed him when he headed for the kitchen. "huh?" Will ask as Ironhide pulled him outside. slowly a black truck pulled out of the garage and Ironhide fizzled out. Will grinned. "it worked! you're back!" Will said, running over to hug the trucks front end. he revved loudly.

"hell yeah I'm back!" Ironhide grinned. he threw open the driver side door. "get in. c'mon." he said. Will got in and smiled, patting the steering wheel. suddenly, Bumblebee and Sam flew past them out of the driveway and down the road. Will laughed as Ironhide pulled out of the driveway and took off down the road after them. "what do you want to eat?" Ironhide ask.

"I don't care. I'm just glad to be out here going for a ride again." Will admitted. Ironhide chuckled slightly as he sped down the road, everything was the way it should be. even if he couldn't resist using his holoform to tackle Will into the backseat and do what he'd wanted to do since the day he first kissed him, fuck him into his backseat and ignore the mess. all was well as long as Optimus never found out that he had imprinted on Will, that would make things so much more complicated. their life was taking a turn for the better this was going to be the best time of Wills life, finally having someone who loved him. even if that someone, wasn't human.

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