Chapter 3

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"Ratchet and Wheeljack will fix you." Will said, getting up slowly. Ironhide didn't say anything, but watched Will head down stairs to start coffee and breakfast. Ironhide followed silently. Will winced at the light and Ironhide went around closing the curtains and dimming the rooms. he watched Will make coffee and go to make some breakfast and couldn't help him self. he walked over and pinned Will against the counter. "again? Ironhide-" Will tried, but Ironhide grabbed his injured arm carefully and silently. he looked over the mans swollen wrist before handing him his brace and stepping back. Will seemed surprised. "uh thanks... when did I take this off?" Will ask. Ironhide shifted and shrugged.

"you didn't. you got in a bar fight and the guy hurt your wrist. it was swelling really bad so I took the brace off." Ironhide said.

"oh great. a bar fight?" Will ask. Ironhide nodded. "how bad did the dude beat my ass?" Will sighed. Ironhide shrugged.

"eh, he only got two hits in before I stepped in and wiped the floor with his ass." Ironhide shrugged.

"only two?" Will ask.

"you got in a decent hit and he grabbed your bad wrist. I stepped in when you screamed." Ironhide said. "I was willing to let you deal with it until he hurt you." Ironhide smirked. Will groaned lowly.

"such a great guardian. thanks." Will sighed. Ironhide chuckled. Will turned back to make breakfast. Ironhide watched him, unsure how to help, but keeping his distance. Will finished breakfast and gave Ironhide a plate, they both headed into living room to eat and watch tv.

"whats on the agenda today?" Ironhide ask. Will shrugged slightly.

"dunno." Will said. "I shouldn't do any shooting for a bit not with my wrist like this." Will frowned looking at his wrist. Ironhide looked away silently. "but you can go out and shoot. I can watch a movie." Will shrugged. he paused as he heard a ringing.

"is that your phone?" Ironhide ask.

"yeah I must've left it up stairs." Will said getting up and heading upstairs. he answered the phone as he walked down stairs. "Optimus?" Will ask confused. he frowned slightly. "yeah alright. yeah I see them I think they just pulled up." Will said heading for his keys. "Ironhide get your shoe's we have to go!" Will called, grabbing his things. Ironhide looked confused, but did as Will said. "yeah I got eye's on Ironhide too. alright. we'll see you guys in a bit." Will said, hanging up.

"Will whats wrong?" Ironhide ask.

"Starscream found out and went after Bumblebee this morning, Ratchet and Wheeljack were over there. Ratchet was injured pretty badly, but Bumblebee and Sam were fine. Optimus thinks he's going to come after you so they sent a couple bots after us." Will said. Ironhide nodded and grabbed his things, including a couple of Wills guns. Will and Ironhide ran outside. Hot Rod, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Dino. Sideswipe opened his doors, he was really the only one who didn't mind passengers.

"get in you two." Sideswipe said. Will nodded and jumped in, Ironhide following behind.

"thanks Sideswipe." Will said. the Autobot didn't answer but slammed the doors shut and sped off, the others following behind.

"how bad is Ratchet?" Ironhide ask.

"we had to have the military bring in basically a human hospital. he's got broken bones, internal bleeding, and looks like hell." Sideswipe said. " he'll live, according to the doctors, but he'll be down for a while and in a lot of pain." he added.

"hows Wheeljack taking it?" Will ask. Sideswipe was quiet for a moment.

"not well. Ratchet almost died on the way to the base. he can still feel Ratchets pain... he's distraught." Sideswipe said.

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