Chapter 4

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"of course. I'll be fine. I see you managed to get Jazz off the couch." Optimus smiled.

"yeah he just needed a hug." Will smiled slightly. Jazz nodded at Ironhide, who gave him a slight smile.

"alright, we'll be sleeping in here. the couches are 'pull out beds' according to a few human soldiers." Optimus said. Will nodded slightly.

"why don't we grab the projector and watch a few movies?" Jazz ask. Ironhide frowned, his voice sounded as though the usually bouncy mech had been crying.

"yeah okay, let me go get Bumblebee and Sam." Will said.

"I'll go with you." Jazz said. Will nodded at him and walked out with him. the grabebd thr projector and their friends and headed back to Optimus' office. Will hooked everything up.

"alright do we want a horror movie, a comedy, a mystery, or an action movie?" Will ask. it was quiet and Will looked between them.

"lets watch a comedy." Sam said. Will nodded and started a movie. he helped Ironhide pull the pull out bed out of the couch they'd been sleeping on, watching the others do the same. he sat beside his guardian, he looked so tired. Will sighed and looked at the others. Sam was laying back, Bumblebee basically in his lap clinging to him and Sam was running his fingers through the scouts hair. Will looked over to the other couch. Jazz was curled up, his back to the Prime, clutching his mp3 and staring at the screen. Optimus was sitting beside him, hand on Jazz's side, trying to comfort him. Ironhide sigh slumping over against Will tiredly. Will shifted some, but wrapped an arm around Ironhide's shoulders, holding him gently. Ironhide sighed slightly and watched the movie.

"hey." Sideswipes holoform called walking over to them. they looked up. "he's out of surgery. he's gonna be okay." Sideswipe smiled at them.

"good." Will smiled, squeezing Ironhide's shoulders. he mumbled and held onto Will. "I'm sure Ironhide would be excited if he wasn't asleep." Will smiled slightly, playing with his hair gently. Ironhide mumbled and curled up.

"I'm sure he would be, but it's better he sleeps." Optimus said. Sideswipe nodded and smiled.

"just wanted to let you guys know." he said, leaving. Will shifted and yawned, laying down the best he could with Ironhide clinging to him.

*next morning*

Will shifted slightly and knew something was wrong. Ironhide was not on the bed with him, but someone else was. he opened his eyes.

"Hide?" Will mumbled.

"nope, Sam." Sam smiled looking up from his cell phone.

"where's Hide?" Will ask sitting up tiredly.

"with Bee." Sam replied, pointing over to the couch he'd been sleeping on. "he... he needed Ironhide last night. we swapped and you never even noticed." Sam smiled. Will looked over and sure enough his guardian was holding the scout tightly as they both slept. "he seemed a little grumpy and groggy when I woke him up, but when I explained Bumblebee was sobbing about Ratchet, he got up pretty quickly." Sam added. Will nodded and got up.

"alright. any update?" Will ask.

"he woke up a few hours ago." Sam said.

"good." Will nodded and stretched. Ironhide shifted and grumbled opening his eye's. Bumblebee rubbed his eye's and cuddled Ironhide slightly

"hey Bee." Sam smiled over at him. the scout smiled slightly.

"Ratchet woke up." Will smiled. Bumblebee immediately brightened but Ironhide growled lowly and grumbled.

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