The Other Way Around

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I started my morning routine because there are just 3 days before the performance. Basically, we were given 5 days for this.

Yesterday, Kun that fucking shit kept on giving me corny pick up line. I just want a normal day, normal practice with normal people. But what can I do, my group mates ain't normal as well as the 5 idiots. Sigh. Let's be positive Yuxin!

Us girls were the first one to arrive so we started stretching. When we were about the start, the boys came. Xiao gui went to Yuyan and gave her an apple.

"Here an apple." Xiao gui said as she shyly hands over the apple.

Yuyan wearing her poker face. "What is that apple for?"

Xiao gui scratches his head. Obviously not comfortable with this kind of confrontation. "It's an applelogy." he said as he looks at Yuyan sincerely.

Yuyan took the apple without saying a word. This time Kun went near me. "I did a great job, right? I suggested that to him?" he said as he whispered behind me.

I stared at him for a brief of time and said, "Do I know you, Sir?" as I put a fake smile.


I know Yuxin that's just a defense mechanism. It won't last. Sigh. I find it sexy though, her glares that is. Her fake smiles are cute. I have to get the reaction I want or else I'd be the one who'll get trapped.

After practicing for half a day, Yuyan and Xiao gui who just reconciled went out for a while to get our lunchbox, it's their schedule. We were all resting on the floor when Zheng ting started to teasing me.. "Bro, you look happy for the past few days."

I chuckled. This guy can read my mind I guess. "Well, bro, you know all this time I thought happiness starts with H, but I think that's wrong. It starts with.." I look at Yuxin... "Starts with U." I responded as I blow a kiss.

Everyone heard it and they started ooooohhhhhhing.. You know what I mean.

The boys were laughing and said "That line is overrated." and the girls just looked at Yuxin waiting for her reaction.

"I think you need to go to the hospital. It seems like some subsets of dyslexia." she responded as she glare at me. This time the girls starts their OOOOOHHHHHH reaction seeing how their leader savagely flip my romantic line. I was left speechless. How can she even destroy my pick up line that easily. It's not the first time but the way she turns the line upside down is just out of this world.

Meanwhile Xiao gui and Yuyan


I was walking with Yuyan and it's just so awkward. This girl has a temper so I don't want her to explode just like what happened last time. I want to start a conversation but I'm afraid to step on a minefield.

I was still thinking when Yuyan asked, "Hey, air head, what type of girls do you like?" with a poker face.

I stared at her as I wasn't ready for that question and its even coming from her. I scratch my head while thinking, "Hmm, like a tsudere? Looks cold but is actually a warm and soft person. Why did you suddenly ask?" explaining properly looking at her expression if it somehow picked her interest. I wonder how does this girl looks like when she smiles, I asked my self inwardly.

"Hmm I see, tsundere. I asked because I think you have a thing for me but its a good confirmation." she said as she kept on walking like a commando with her no expression I don't care face.

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