Chapter 6

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•Chikara Ennoshita•

I woke up to my phone going off, but I didn't remember setting an alarm. I turned on my phone and saw that I had 6 missed calls and 10 missed texts.

Kinoshita: Hey, Chikara
Kinoshita: Chikara
Kinoshita: Chikara Ennoshita
Kinoshita: C
Kinoshita: H
Kinoshita: I
Kinoshita: K
Kinoshita: A
Kinoshita: R
Kinoshita: A
Me: What?
Kinoshita: Do you want to go to that new outlet today?
Me: Sure, is anybody else coming?
Kinoshita: Narita is
Me: Do you want me to invite anybody?
Kinoshita: Preferably not, but you can if you really want to
Me: Okay, what time are we going?
Kinoshita: Around 11

I glanced at the clock. It read 9:23 am

Me: Okay, I'll see you guys there. Bye
Kinoshita: Bye

I sat up and stretched, causing me to fall back down. For a minute, I considered sleeping in, but I decided to get up anyways. I dragged myself over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I was done with that, I went to my closet and threw on a white shirt and some jeans with some socks.

I headed downstairs and saw my parents asleep on the couch under a blanket. I walked into the kitchen and heat up rice with some grilled fish. I was too lazy to go to the table, so I just ate it at the counter. I finished it up and got a glass of water to flush it down.

I walked into the living room, and my parents were still sleeping. Not wanting to wake them up, I dragged myself up the stairs and sat down at my desk. I looked at my phone, and it said 9:47 am. I plugged my headphones into it, set an alarm for 10:15 and started on my homework.

By the time my alarm went off, I was almost done with my homework, and I was tempted to finish it. I headed downstairs and saw my parents making breakfast and occasionally sneaking in kisses. Eventually, they got sucked up into a more passionate kiss, and I could tell that the food was about to burn.

"Good morning," I said.

They jumped at the statement and separated, and my mom said, "Good morning, Chikara." My dad stared at me, and I could tell he wasn't happy, so I started walking away.

"I'm going to go to the outlet with Kinoshita and Narita, bye, and sorry for interrupting," I said, pulling on my shoes and closing the door before they could respond.

I let out a sigh of relief and started on my way to the bus stop. It was bright out, and a few clouds populated the blue sky. I could see a bird floating around, flapping its wings when it got off track. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and felt the breeze flow through my shirt and mess with my hair. As I opened my eyes, the air stung it. I could hear a few birds tweeting not too far off.

After a couple more minutes, I made it to the bus stop. I sat down on the cold metal, and the bus arrived in less than a minute. I stepped in, sat down and plugged in my headphones while watching the scenery flow by. There were a few stops before the area of the outlet, but I ended up getting there a few minutes early.

I sat down on a nearby bench and pulled out my phone.

Me: I'm here
Kinoshita: Okay, I'm almost there
Narita: Same

I went on my phone again for a couple more minutes before I heard steps approaching me.

"Hello!" Kinoshita greeted me, next to Narita.

"Hey," I said, "How did you guys get here at the same time?"

Narita moved his head to the side a little bit, but Kinoshita said, "We ended up being on the same bus."

After being their friends for so many years, I could tell they were lying. I let out a small huff and said, "Okay," while smirking a little.

I got up and we started walking around mostly aimlessly.

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