Chapter 3

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Niall POV:

A black range rover pulled up infront of the house and we climbed up and took our seats.
I quickly raced to the end of the car and put on my headphones, excluding myself from one direction.
I closed my eyes as my consciousness slowly fades away and pulling me into a dreamless sleep.

I must had fallen into a deep sleep because the next thing i know i felt a sharp pain in my left arm, making me snapped my eyes open and winced.

"Niall, wake up" a voice said.
I blinked and adjusted my eyes to the brightness of the light and saw an angel looking back down.
"Niall?"Louis repeated.
I sat up and saw the source of the pain. He was shaking my hand and accidentally squeezing my unhealed wounds. It's okay, I deserved it.
"Yeah?" I asked back.
"We're here, come on." Louis replied.
Oh right, the photo shoot.
I stand up and followed him out of the car where we were hit by a crowd of paparazzi and some fans.

"Louis! Niall! Look here"
"Louis, is larry real?"
"Niall did you find a new girlfriend?"

We successfully reached the door but suddenly a question out of many was asked,
"Niall, why are you wearing long sleeves? It's summer."

I frozed on the spot and turned around to look at the person who asked the question but before i could, i was interrupted by Louis shouting,
"It's your fooking job! It's your fooking job you fooking losar!" and flipping the paps off.
I'm glad he didn't heard the question.

Couple hours have passed and the photoshoot had gone okay.
Of course I wasn't the target of the photoshoot. I mean, if you were taking a photo with four gods by your side you wouldn't be too.
Why am i here?

Now we were taking a break before our last shoot. I was sitting on the opposite side from where the boys were and eventhough every part of me is telling me not to, I went on Twitter.

The first few tweets were alright. They were about us and some were news about golf. Then there it was, the fourth tweet, my first hate tweet of the day.

It was from the user : Ot5exceptniall
"Niall is so ugly. He can't even sing! And worse of all, he's so ungrateful and arrogant! I feel sorry for the boys. Why is he even in the band? Hell, why is he even in this world?"

I know i get hate. I know I am not attractive nor good looking but i never viewed myself as someone who is ungrateful. I always viewed myself to be a kind person and that's one thing i like about me. I never thought that people viewed me this way. I never-
Suddely tears welled up in my eyes and the thoughts were becoming too much, too loud. I tried to shut them out but there was no use. I can't breathe. It was impossible and sobs were begging to be released while i felt a puking sensation in the back of my throat.
"Ni-" a voice i didn't have time to register started.
I dropped my phone and sprinted to the toilet. There and then i puked while tears streamed down my face.
Why am i so weak, i thought as i chocked out a series of sobs. I cupped my hands over my mouth, muffling the sobs from being heard as i sat there crying.

I don't know how long i stayed there but i was pulled out of my daze when i heard a knock on my stall.
"Ni?" Louis asked, "Ni, are you in there?"
I couldn't bring myself to speak.
"Niall open up" he commanded, that snapped me out of whatever i was in.
He can't see me like this. No. I need to clean up. I need to look okay, seem okay.
" I'm okay louis. I'm just feeling sick a bit sick."i replied quickly adding a believable chuckle at the end.
"You sure?" he asked, "you can talk to me ni, you know that right?"
"Yess of course! Stop worrying about me tommo! Really I'm fine!" I laughed.
"Okay whatever you say neil" he chuckled back, look like i fooled him once again.

I heard him walked away and i pushed myself out of the bathroom floor, flushed the toilet and went outside to the mirror.
I looked horrible.
My eyes were blood red and tears track were visible on my pale face and my hair was a mess.
I wiped the tears off, washed my face,style my hair and went out of the bathroom and back into the dressing room where the boys and the stylist awaits.
I gave them a big bright smile and they happily returned. I went to my stylist and could have swear that louis was frowning while looking at me from my side eye.

A/N: I wasn't actually going to update this yet but i saw you guys voted on my last chapters and that motivated me coz I know that at least someone's reading them. I really like how this chapter turned out. I don't really know where this story is going yet, i mean it could go in many ways! Well i hope you enjoy this!
Tell me what you think.
Loads of love, Mirror XX)
Date written: August 25th 2020

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