Chapter 13

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Louis POV:

A soft rhythmic beeping sound passed through my ears as my consciousness slowly roses back up to the surface. A yawn escapes my mouth as I shifted to get into a more comfortable position.

Only then did I realize that I wasn't in my bed but rather sitting on a chair with my head on something, or somone. A soft groan escape my lips as I felt a headache drumming at my skull.

Where am I again?

My thoughts were cut short as the beeping noise filled my ear drums while a strong smell of medicine and bleach cramped my nostrils.

I forced my eyes to open as the reality hits me like a bus on a highway.

The reality where niall was laying on a hospital bed infront of me, as white as paper and as pale as ghost. He had wires hung into every part of his body, a heart monitor monitoring his heartbeats and a oxygen mask covering his button nose. His platinum hair illuminating his features while his once bright blue eyes hidden from the world.

Unwanted tears filled my eyes as I held my whole world, connecting his hand with mine, and watched as they fits together like missing pieces of a puzzle

We'll be alright.
I told myself

We'll be alright?
I questioned myself.

He'll be alright?

I asked myself as i stared back at my angel. I watched as his chest rise then falls. I listened to the beeps of his heart rate and watched as the small waves formed regularly on the screen. It was improving, I thought to myself, as a small smile spread across my face.
"We'll be alright" I whispered.

I was wrong.

My smile was turned upside down when I watched as his chest rises, then falls....then suddenly it stopped. I glanced back at the screen and saw the waves becoming smaller and smaller till there was none. The device screamed an ear piercing beep as I snapped my eyes back on him and waited.

Time stopped as I waited. I waited for his chest to rise up. I waited for another oscillation on the screen, another wave, another breath, another heart beat.
I stared, unable to move.

I waited.
And waited.
Praying to god, to a savior, to anyone who would listen.Begging for any signs, any signs that he's alive.

One second.
His chest laid still.

Two seconds.
The line stay flat.

Three seconds.
No. No. This can't be it. He's not-

I heard the door flew open as footsteps filled the room. I was vaguely aware of noises, frantic shouting and beeps, but they held no meaning to me, it was as if I was listening to the echoes from the depth of the deepest oceans.

I was aware of movement and my hands being removed from Niall but my mind refused to register it.
Had Niall gone? Had he left me? Part of my mind knew that I was being moved aside but I couldn't understand how or why as I continued to stare into blank space.

I saw Niall' body shot up as electricity passes through, that was when everything started to clicked together.
Niall was-
No. No. He can't be. My body parts jolted back under my command as panic rises.

"Niall, NIALL!" I started to screamed as I ran toward him, but two pairs of strong arms wrapped my waist and restrained me from getting to him. "LET ME GO! LET ME....NIALL!" I kicked and screamed as I struggled to break free while tears streamed down my face, but whoever was holding me back was stronger than I was and I collapsed against their arms.

Memories flooded through my head, all the happy moments, all the signs, all the time I could have helped him. How could I be so stupid? How didn't I see it sooner? It was so damn obvious how did I missed it?
My niall. My angel. My everything is dying.

I heard the doctors shouting orders to the nurses. I saw them shocked him and I watched as his body jolts with electricity, then went still again.

Shouts, orders, and directions were thrown at while they tried to find anything to bring him back but nothing. I stood there shocked. This can't be happening!They pulled him in, one last time, to feel his heartbeat.

Suddenly, they all stood back.
It was my worse nightmare coming to live. My worst fear came true. No matter how many times I convinced myself to be prepared, nothing could ever prepared me.

"Not reponsive-" I felt air getting sucked out of my lungs. I felt color on my face drained. He's gone. I felt the blood in my whole body stops. I saw the doctor remove his mask,his lips moved as I heard those four words left his mouth.

"Record time of death."

to be continued...
A/N: I'm sorry.

Please vote and comment love. I'll try to post the next chapter as fast as I can.
Once again, thank you for everyone who voted, commented, put this in their reading list or read this story.

Loads of love, MirrorXX)
Date written: Nov 17th 2020

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