Chapter 14

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Louis POV:


A simple word that was consider positive could surprisingly be someone's worst nightmare. Louis had hope that niall would be okay when he first saw the signs. Louis had hope that niall would be okay when he ran after him.Louis had hope that niall would be fine when the ambulance took him away. Louis had hope that niall would recover when he first saw niall in the hospital bed and he had hope that niall would wake up when electricity passes through his body to revive him. Though at the time it was small, there was still hope.

Yet it's a dreadful word, because what came right after hope was disappointment. The reality result confirming to you that the hope you had was just a daydream and that it can never come to life. It was all in your head. It's the feeling that can reach your core and rot you from inside, slowly eating you until you can never see the light. 
He felt it in his heart as it broke apart, thrown out from his chest and stomped it 28 feet underground.

His everything was gone. Niall was dead. He wanted to scream and cry till his heart rips out and death takes him with niall but he couldn't. Right now his body wasn't responsive. Just seconds ago his heart seems to be beating at the speed of light but no, now it simply stopped. He felt like he was lucid dreaming but it was reality. Everything stops to him for what felt like an eternity when it was only seconds.

But he was still clinging on the thread of hope as if his life depended on it, and in a way it does. There was still hope, he told himself as he saw the doctors thrown instructions to bring niall back. There was still hope, he told himself when they stepped back. There was still hope, he shouted to himself as the doctor remove his mask. There was still hope.

Then the words were said. "Record time of death"

Everything inside him broke. No matter how much the words twist into his heart like a dagger, he wouldn't listen. He felt the arms holding him lost their grip, then he heard a followed thud and a loud sob from behind but he couldn't care less as he pushed past and took niall's hand in his.

Niall's face was pale, his body held no sign of life. His lips were parted and a hint of blue was creeping up. Yet he look beautiful. 

"NIALL PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!NIALL PLEASE LISTEN AND COME BACK TO ME PLEASE! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! It's me,louis! I promise it's me! I love you niall! I should have told you but I was too much of a coward, please niall give me a chance, I love you. You told me that you want a happy ending right? Niall you need to wake up to have it silly.I loved you since the day we met and I love you with everything inside of me! Who will i love when you're gone! I want to love you and only you! Please niall! I promise on my life that things will get better! Do you trust me niall? If you do then trust me on this and wake up please! I swear to love you all my life, PLEASE NIALL!" he put his head on his cheat as sobs wrecked his body. There was no hope. This was it.

His voice was quiet while he gave out "Niall please come back to me. I love you," he whispered so desperately, not knowing that a certain lover heard it.  


Niall POV: 

"I'm not going back" I spoke.

This was it. There was no going back. The world would be better without me. It's better this way. It's better for Louis. He would finally be free from me, he would finally find a girl (or even a guy) to love without someone being so jealous of them. A sad smile wrote itself on my face as I made my decision.

I looked up at death staring back. Their face showed no signs of emotions, it was calm and collected. No signs that was encouraging me to join them or not. They nod their head as they motioned for me to followed them.
And so I did. 

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