Chapter 1.

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Hello my lovely readers, I bring another Alpha,Beta and Omega Plance story.

Since, I'm too lazy to go threw all that borning information. I'll type the basics first and keep a link in the comments bubble to a website that explains them a little more.

The only problem is, different stories have different rules over the Alpha,Beta and Omega information. So, I'll say what im going to allow and how they work in this book. If you don't agree then get over it, everyone enjoys different verison of Alpha,Beta and Omega fanfcion and this is just how I enjoy them.

A- Only Alpha and Omega can form a mated bond but only an Alpha can break the bond. If an Alpha breaks their bond with an Omega then the Omega can slowly die or become so depressed they kill themselves. If the Omega finds their fated alpha then they can break the bond magically and bond with that Alpha instead without any issues. Alpha can have more then one bond at a time, meaning they can be mates to many Omegas at once.

B- Male betas can impregant an omega both male and Female ones but only when they in heat. Beta can not bond with an Omega or be bonded by an Alpha. Male betas can get a female alpha pregant and a male Alpha can get a female beta pregant.

C- Omegs can get other omegs pregant as long as they opposie sexs. Omegs have a monthly heat but can buy heat suppressants  pills. Omega also wear a leather collar around their necks during the day to help keep their neck protected from being bitten if they are attacked by an alpha if their heat suddenly starts out and both sides lose control. Some collars will be kept locked up by a mini pad lock while others will just be a belt buckle.

D- Omegas are still being looked down on by everyone and Alphas mostly rule the world still. Betas are just average people/background characters.

E- One in a hundred beta can turn into an Alpha or Omega as they grow older meaning one can rarely change second genders. 




"Ending our friendship ... Why" Lance asked like a puppy who got kicked. 

"Becuase I don't want us to give these huge promises that we'll stay friends no matter what when we both know how its gonna end. You'll be busy with your new school and new posh honourable life to have any time to deal with me. We both know we won't be meeting up ever again and their our calls will stop and texting will be like one a month with simple chit chat before that even stops too. Lets just end our friendship with a happy vibe, where we both smiling and can just be us without the fear of our future. Can't we just be us and end as us without having a sad ending" Pidge replied with a small sadden smile as she glanced to the sky as they walked towards the school gates, school just ending for them both and they would walk home mid way before never seeing each other.

"But I don't want to end out friendship, Pidge your the most important person to me in this world and I don't want to just throw you away becuase my parents are ordering me to babysit a bride I never asked for. I'm not ready to just give up on us, we've been together since we started high school, your the only person who didn't treat me like a king just because I was born an Alpha. Heck you tell others to fuck off if they ever try using your second gender as a way to control your life. I wouldn't just wear this dazzling blue collar for no one, we in this together facing against life" Lance spoke up letting his emotions be heard threw his voice and showing the hurt in his eyes, feeling the sky blue leather collar that was around his neck and buckled up.

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