Chapter 9- POV Louis: It's a Family Show... Or Is It?

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Harry ties one of his bandanas around my eyes, turns me around, and leads me with his hands on my shoulders, making me shiver in delight. He is being very mysterious. He's told me he has a surprise for me, but I am not allowed to look where we're going, hence the bandana. After a five minute walk, he takes my blindfold off. The light hits me like a brick wall, and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust. 

I look around in amazement. We are surrounded by woods, standing on the edge of a small grassy clearing. In the center of the clearing, Harry has laid out a plaid blanket with all of my favorite foods: still- warm pizza, a tub of raw cookie dough, and lots of other snacks. I grin in delight. 

We sit down and enjoy the cool summer evening, snacking and occasionally sneaking a kiss or two in between bites. After we finish eating, Harry takes my hands in his. He gives me a nervous smile and asks, "Louis... will you be my boyfriend?"  I giggle and nod ferociously. 

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" I reply. He is beaming, which makes me smile back. We both laugh and fall back onto the blanket, soaking in the sun. 

"Louis?" My algebra teacher raps on my desk, interrupting my peaceful daydream. "Why are you so distracted today?" I simply shrug and make up some excuse about being tired, which is partially true, seeing as thoughts about Harry have been keeping me up at night. 

I don't even bother to stay after school to practice football like I should; I am too preoccupied. I drive straight home and sit on my bed. Usually, I would get out my homework right about now, but I can't get Harry out of my head enough to concentrate. Instead, I just sprawl out on the bed and stare at the ceiling, which is dotted with water stains. I try to make shapes out of them, but eventually my mind wanders back to Harry again.

Suddenly, and involuntarily, I start crying. I fell in love with a freshman who was dating a girl, kissed him, and now I might have ruined my strongest, and only, friendship. The tears stream out of my eyes, and I don't try to stop them.

Someone opens my bedroom door without knocking. I assume it's Lottie, since she's the only other one home.

"Go away, Lottie." She doesn't answer. 

I look up, and standing there, shy, nervous, and so, so perfect, is Harry. His eyes look even greener than usual. He is wearing black skinny jeans that make him look so ridiculously hot, and a pink polo shirt. His hair, as usual, is so perfectly curled. He looks immensely handsome. 

I dry my eyes as quickly as possible and stand up cautiously, maintaining eye contact with him all the while. 

He takes a few small steps towards me. My heart is racing faster than it ever has before. I want to kiss him so bad, but it takes all my willpower not to.

Unexpectedly, he reaches out, takes my hands, and pulls me into a tight hug. The tears start falling again, but this time, they're happy tears. I squeeze him with all my might. I have wanted to do this for so long, and now here I am, hugging him.

"Lou? Are you okay?" Harry asks sweetly. I look up at him with wet eyes. Just admiring his perfectly chiseled jawline and beautiful sculpted nose, I would do anything for Harry. I can't think of one bad thing about him, and I never want to. 

I just want him to be mine. All mine.

"Yes, Harry. I'm perfect." I reply, so quiet I almost can't hear myself. 

I stand on my tiptoes to match his height, and our lips collide in unison. He tastes of salt and vinegar, but not in a bad way. I gently tug at his curls, and he runs his hands down my back. My stomach is full of butterflies and my whole body is tingling. We take a few steps backwards until my back is against the closed door. 

He pulls away for air, and I can feel his hot breath on my neck as he runs kisses down to my collarbone. I arch my back in pleasure. He notices, and kisses my neck all the way back up to my jaw and then my mouth.

We kiss again, this time even more passionate. Lips still connected, we fall onto my bed, legs tangling. 

He is perfect, and sweet, and I never want to pull away. He gently bites my bottom lip, and I nibble his in response. Not enough to hurt, just enough to let him know I love him. 

All of my problems, everything that could go wrong, every worry, is gone, and I feel so safe in Harry's arms. He is special. Different than any guy I have ever dated. So much better. My heart is full of love. 

Just me and Harry; Harry and me. 

I have run out of air, so I pull away with a grin. I open my eyes to see Harry grinning too. We gently pant, hot breaths meeting mid-air, both smiling like dorks. We are still only inches away from each other. I give him one last gentle kiss.

"Lou?" Harry whispers charmingly.


"I love you." My heart stops. Those three words bring me all the joy in the world, more joy than I ever thought possible. I rest my head on his chest, listening to the gentle thumping of his heart.

"I love you too." He smiles again in response to my admission, flashing me his dimples, and kisses the top of my head. 

Together, in love, so complete, we drift off.

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