"What is religion?"
The question that everyone has an answer for.
Now, the questions that no one has ever answered,
"How did it start? How did it originate? What was the purpose behind it?"
It is said, that long ago, there was a time when all of our ancestors lived in Africa. Like every other species, humans also started with smaller numbers, then we reproduced and soon the human population increased.
With the growth in population, it was getting difficult to maintain peace and harmony, so, it was decided that there will be a leader and the leader will decide what the other people will contribute and will assign them suitable roles.
The population kept on increasing and it was getting too hard for just one person to maintain this population, so, people divided into different groups and each group had a leader assigned to them. The population kept on increasing and people started getting divided in groups and this is how the initial state of religion started.
With the increasing population, it was getting difficult for all people to live at the same place, so many of us migrated. Some migrated to the east, some migrated to the west and some remained in their homeland.
At that time there were no means of travel other than log rafts and it was quite risky going one place to another using these rafts because of the storms and high tides and monstrous waves in the ocean. One summer day, a man thought that when he pays his respects to other people, he receives all kinds of gifts from them, so, what if he pays his respect to the sea? He thought that as maybe the sea will stop all the storms for him as a gift, so he prayed to the sea and set sail. Coincidentally, it was a day with clear skies and low tides, so, he thought that his prayer actually worked, the word spread for around 3 months. People at that time didn't know about the changes in season, so then they thought that what if we want more crops to get cultivated? Why don't we pray to the skies for rain? They prayed and coincidentally it was the monsoon season at that time and when it started raining, they thought the prayer works, so they started praying for all the important things in their life and that is how the gods were created.
Now, people in different parts of the world heard about this and even they tried it, in some places it worked and at some places it didn't, the places where it didn't work were called the cursed places or the places at whom the gods were angry at.
Some people thought that why does everyone call them in a different manner, like the God of the Seas, don't they have names? Humans had names which made it easy to distinguish them, why not give a different name to each god. Again the word spread, but at that time they did not have proper means of communication so they only knew about the "Naming the gods" part, so, every part of the world decided to name the gods according to them and that resulted in one god having different names.
Humans began evolving more and then came the time when they actually started to commit sins, so at that time we did not have the judicial system like we do now.
So, to maintain peace and to serve justice more gods were made just to act as inspirations for people to follow and just like that several gods were created in several mythologies and in all parts of the world. People would now follow the gods as their inspirations but that was not enough to stop the sins, so we created the concept of demons, so that, people would always stay in fear that committing sins will lead them to hell, in some mythologies the sinners themselves were thought of as the demons and were shunned from their villages, in the fear of isolation and taking inspirations from the gods people actually found their true purpose and then there came the time when people bowed down to the gods that they themselves created and made gods the supreme leader of their groups, different groups had different gods and these governing bodies or groups were soon to be called as 'Religions' and the myths who were supposed to serve as inspirations were followed by these groups would soon be known as the 'Gods of a particular Religion'.
The Purpose Of Life: What leads us towards our True Purpose
Non-FictionWe all exist in this world. To some of us the world is really beautiful,l but some of us find the world to be a really cruel place to live in. Everyone has their own definition, thoughts and feelings about this world, but has anyone ever raised the...