Religion-4. Humanity and the Bitter Truth

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They say that when people get corrupt and start to do hideous things, they need to follow the path of humanity. Humanity is considered the best religion of all time, the majority of people think that humanity means showing kindness to fellow beings may those be humans or animals, but what humanity actually means is being genuine, genuine as a human being. Humanity is nothing but a part of human psychology, which one should absolutely follow. Each and every religion was based on the principals of humanity and showed us how to be genuine, but religions only portray half of humanity by using Gods as the inspirations. The acts committed by the Gods are actually genuine, but as time has passed, we humans have modified the religious manuscripts bit by bit and the religions of today do everything except following the concept of Humanity.

Even today the religious heads of all religions proclaim that their religion is Humanity itself, yes, it is true that it started out to be like that but right now it isn't.

People nowadays have become really sensitive, all it takes for them to get angry is talking shit about their religion, it doesn't matter if we have a point or not, if we are against religion we are wrong and we deserve punishment. This is not why humans started religion, religion was created, so that people won't commit sins and that they will have a better understanding of their purpose.

We are amending the rules of religion as we please, people are using the name of religion to commit sins, all are the same in the eyes of god but we have created sects and hierarchy in religions, assigning each 'level' a job even though the people in that 'level' don't want to do that job they don't have a choice, a person belonging to a particular 'level' is not allowed to do something other than their assigned job. Because of this people are not able to achieve their purpose, but the ones at the top, they can do anything they please.

Not only that, but religion has created many other problems as well, like gender discrimination, racism etc.

Religious teachings vary from places, the religious books aren't the same in every place, by that, I mean that if we check out the book of a particular religion at a place and then check the same book someplace different the contents won't be the same. The principles one religion is teaching will be different in every place. This is unimaginable, at one place the religious head is teaching how to achieve peace by leaving all relations and feelings and at the same time someone is teaching that killing people will grant us heaven.

Religion cannot stop the human greed and selfishness anymore, it has grown comparatively weaker and will get weaker as time will pass. Religion has just turned into a weapon that humans at the top of the social hierarchy, can use whenever they want, the current face of religion is nothing but human greed, still many of us are unaware of these things or maybe are aware but don't want to accept the truth. We have movies that show how in the distant future, cyborgs will take over human civilizations, but in reality we already have something like that and that, is "Religion", we created religion to maintain peace and harmony but instead it took over us and started controlling us. Something with such a strong force, but with a really weak control cannot exist in our world and just like the cyborgs in these movies, we humans have to end the thing that starts taking control over us. Religion gave us some peaceful times, it was what disciplined people and was supposed to help people but unfortunately the time has come.

We humans started religion, we humans changed religion and we humans will end religion.

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