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Wasting no time or sparing any more feelings, Roosevelt drove back home. With each mile that passed, the sadder she became. Upon reaching her apartment, Roosevelt had made the conscious decision to text him and then head back to sleep. Maybe she could sleep off the shitty feeling. 

Roosevelt: Safe and Sound. It's already way too quiet. 

After setting her keys and phone down, she bustled about her kitchen, putting their previously used glasses into the dishwasher. 

"Ahem." Roosevelt whipped around to see the Matts seated on her couch; both looked unimpressed. Why had she given them copies of her key?

"What?" She asked with concern. Matt Chapman could clearly see that she was already down, and he knew this conversation wasn't going to help. Her brother, on the other hand, was hurt that she hadn't told them. 

Olson held up one of Christian's t-shirts, that he'd purposefully left for her, and fired back, "You tell us." 

Glaring at the two, she stomped forward and snatched one of the few things that still had his smell.   "It's none of your business." The trainer snapped back. 

Her brother stood to meet her gaze, "Like hell it isn't. Not only were you hooking up with a guy..." 

"Don't you dare bring up that he played for the opposite team."

Chapman remained quiet, watching the two siblings argue back and forth. Clearly, it was more than a hook-up; he'd never known Roosevelt to hook up in the first place, plus, she was defending their short relationship as if her life depended upon it. The third baseman then wondered how this was going to impact the clubhouse. Whatever happened; it wasn't going to go well. Both Olson's had their own renowned tempers. Matt's could be seen when he struck out looking, and Roosevelt's crept up when she felt that she was in the right. 

"You just did! You've conceded that point! I was going to say that he won't have time for you." The younger snarked back. 

Gritting her teeth, she saw red, "He makes me happy!" 

"You barely know him!" 

"I know more than you do." She hissed as she glanced at her phone to see that he'd texted her: 

Christian ♥️: hey beautiful, made it to the gate. Waiting to board. Sorry I'm not there to entertain you, yoga set?

"What happens when he gets bored? That's his MO, Roosevelt." Her brother pushed with a dark look. It hurt more that her brother didn't think she was interesting or good enough to be with Christian. Why couldn't his argument be the classic 'He's not good enough for you?' 

"Then you can say I told you so. Just leave me the hell alone." She screamed back with a hand gesture to boot. 

"Fine! I will! Don't come crying to me when he moves on." He roared as he angrily left the apartment behind.

 Chapman climbed to his feet and murmured, "He doesn't want to see you get hurt. Neither of us do. But I get it. I'll talk to him." 

With silent tears, Roosevelt pulled him into a quick hug before he, too, left. Now, she was really alone. 

Roosevelt: Mattie just stopped by...

Christian♥️: Didn't go well? 

Roosevelt: apparently, you'll get tired of me

Christian♥️: that's fucking impossible...😤

Christian♥️:he doesn't know me😡

Roosevelt could see that Christian was getting madder with each text. She quickly sent:

Roosevelt: he's just being an overprotective dick. I'm choosing to ignore him and move on with my day. 

Christian♥️:you're a better person than I am 😠

A small laugh sounded from her, which relieved some tension but not enough. She switched over to her ongoing convo with Betty. 

Roosevelt: Day off tomorrow. Time for a workout? 💪 

Betty: Hells yeah! I'll grab my brother and couple of his friends to help us out. 😂

Roosevelt: love it. I'll bring snacks and tunes! 🎶

Betty: 10am because of the music? 

Roosevelt: perfect 

Switching back to Christian, she finally returned: 

Roosevelt: Nah, I'm just related to the ahole. 

Christian♥️:whew, and here I thought you left me on 'read'. 

Roosevelt: never on purpose 

Christian♥️: I'm gonna hold you to that. I'm gonna get on the plane now and probably nap. I'll let you know when we land in Chicago. 

Roosevelt: rest up MVP! I'm gonna yoga and sleep myself.

Christian♥️: ♥️😴

Roosevelt: ♥️

Her face turned beat red; he sent her a heart emoji, and she had quickly returned it. Sighing, she moved to do her get ready for sleep routine and fell fast asleep. 

All To Myself//Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now