Fraternizing with the Enemy

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By the time three o'clock rolled around, the duo could honestly say they really liked each other. All their adventures to local hot spots had been successful and memorable. They were also thankful that no one had recognized either. Roosevelt had trumped up their luck to how ridiculous they'd acted, while Christian believed that it was simple divine providence. 

  Roosevelt dropped him off at the hotel and headed for the coliseum. She needed to change and prepare for BP.  Luckily, the coliseum wasn't that busy yet, only a few tailgaters had set up to prepare for the game. It was easy for her to find parking in the employee/player lot. Grabbing her gym bag, she headed in, changed into her Athletic's UA short sleeve shirt and green and black work out leggings, and began preparing for the game. As she set up her table up and off to the side, she spotted a few players trickling out and onto the field. She waved at Chapman, Semien, and Davis. Chapman gave her a side hug as the other staff set up BP. Noticing her change in complexion, he joked. "What up? You wearing make-up now?" She smacked his arm in reply, mostly to deflect. She wasn't wearing any bronzer. Christian had made her glow.

"Doc." The gravelly voice of the Skipper beckoned her to him. Giving Chapman and others a nod, she greeted, "Yes, Skipper?"

"After last night's demonstration, would you mind pitching batting practice? I'm tired, and I need Aldrete on a different assignment." 

"Really?!" She howled with excitement and turning to the boys, she whooped, "Batting practice bitches!" 

"Please don't hit them." Bob Melvin muttered as he turned to take a call. 

Grinning from ear to ear, she began tossing to Phegley who had a night-off but offered to help her warm up. She'd moved herself back slightly than the normal set up. She wasn't good at tossing the ball; she had to throw.

"You've got quite the arm." Josh shouted to her with a smile. 

"Who else would throw for Mattie when my dad had to work? Who's up first?" She asked with a forced smile. 

"Profar." Phegley answered in a slight twang and a genuine grin. 'Another southern boy'. He moved out of the way.

Batting practice was going well, until the end. Chappy was up, and the Brewers were arriving on the field. Chapman smirked at his best friend and taunted, "You've gotta be tired. Wanna call it?" 

Inwardly growling, she shook her head, and Phegley surprisingly threw her a sign from behind the netting. Smirking, she wound up, and let it fly. 

"Strike one!" Mattie called from behind the netting.  The A's players gathered as did some of the Brewer's players. She was focused; none of herself cared about who was watching. Phegley sent a message for a sinker. Changing her handling, she wound up and threw it hard. Chapman managed to get a piece, but it was foul. 

"C'mon Rosie, that all you got?" Chapman pushed with a smirk. 

"I'd shut up; you're behind 0-2." Semien commented with a worried look. This seemed like some weird, competitive friend shit gone awry. Christian watched the girl of dreams pitch a fastball, low and inside. Chapman had gotten another piece but nothing concrete. The catcher signed again--slider, and this time, she threw a pitch that most could not hit, and Chapman somehow knew it was coming. He batted it up and out to the left field bleachers. 

"Thanks Doc!" Chapman shouted with a grin. 


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