When Pixie Met Bigfoot

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“Why? Why are you doing this? You lied to me!” 

I was startled out of my own misery by a woman’s high pitched wail. I gave up glaring at the restaurant across the road and the innocent passersby who unwittingly wandered into my line of sight, and glanced over to see the woman doing her best impression of a koala.

“I never lied to you. I was really clear about it. You decided you wanted more. Stop this now.”

The man, a startlingly handsome one, who was drawing more than a few covetous looks from women and men alike, was being incredibly patient under the circumstances and heroically trying to gently untangle the woman from around his neck.

But I didn’t really see any of this. All I saw was another broken-hearted woman who had given too much away and a man who took it and then threw it away like so much garbage when it no longer served him.

“You’re better off without him, honey,” I yelled suddenly. “Stop wasting yourself on this douchebag. You can do better! We can all do better!”

The embattled couple and random bystanders stopped to stare at me with varying amounts of shock. Maybe I should have been embarrassed at the public display but I had just lost my job and found out my dirtbag boyfriend had been cheating on me for months. I had zero fucks left to give so I shouted some more sage advice.

“You’re beautiful, young, and maybe smart, although you’re not acting very smart at the moment, find yourself a man that can appreciate these things. This one obviously doesn’t,” I sniffed disdainfully. The woman’s arms fell away from the man’s neck in utter astonishment. The man took advantage of this and put a healthy distance between himself and his would-be boa constrictor. 

She glared at him. “Jerk!” she spat and then shot me a dirty look. “Mind your own business,” she shouted. She turned on a spiky heel and stomped away.

“Ungrateful twit,” I muttered looking away from the tittering crowd.

I went back to staring daggers at the restaurant across the road and stewing on my hate. 

“Thank you.” A deep voice said.

I looked up. And up. And oh, wow. He was even more dazzling up close. I blinked against his abnormal beauty. 

“Ugh. You’re a giant. I’m going to get a crick in my neck.” I grouched.

He sat down obligingly.

“Thanks,” he said again, a small smile playing about his full lips.

“What for?” 

“I’ve been trying to get rid of her for weeks. You accomplished it in a few seconds.”

“No need to thank me. I didn’t do it for you. She deserves better. Better than an emotionally constipated man child.” I raised my chin and gave him a narrow-eyed look.

“More than likely. But in my defense, I never lied to her and I am not emotionally constipated.”

“Hmph,” I grumbled doubtfully.

“Why are you so convinced that I’m the villain here?”

“Of course you are. Look at you,” I made a motion with my hand to encompass his unrealistic and decidedly unfair good looks.

He looked down at himself with a perplexed look.

“Oh, don’t give me those puppy eyes. You know you’re obnoxiously beautiful and you use that to your advantage. With a face like that, it’s pretty obvious you’ve been able to coast through life on your looks and little else. You lured that poor woman into your web with your come hither eyes and your big...arms.”

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